Chapter 32

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Rory's POV

Finn unlocked the main door to his apartment and ushered me inside, with his hand guiding me by my lower back. 

I looked around in awe.  This place was amazing.  It was modern, yet homey, and very well decorated.  I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.  "Do a little Queer Eye on the side?" I teased.

He laughed.  "No, I can't take credit for the way this place looks.  That was all Evie.  It's what she does, she's an interior designer, and she wouldn't take no for an answer.  But I think she did a pretty good job - I definitely don't hate the way it looks" he said with a shrug.

I smiled and looked around some more, taking it all in.  "I like it.  She did good" I said approvingly.  I laughed to myself when I heard him release a sigh of relief. 

"Here, let me show you your room" he said, taking my hand absent-mindedly, leading me out of the living room area.  We came to a door he had opened, and it was another very modernly decorated room, although done differently.  It was made up of slightly more cool colors - grays and aquas - and it seemed very tranquil.  The bedding looked comfortable and inviting, the curtains coordinated perfectly, and it was a room you just instantly fall in love with - it was luxurious. 

He led me in further, showing me that I had my own private bathroom fully stocked with towels and anything I could possibly need.

"This is - beautiful, Finn... I can't believe you live here" I whispered. 

He laughed and sat my bag down on the bench in front of the bed.  "Well, Love, do you want to rest or would you like to see the rest of the tour?" He asked, the fact that he was pleased to have me here was written all over his face.

"Show me the rest of the tour!" I said excitedly.  He smiled and led me out, taking me to the room beside that. 

"This is my office.  I work from home a lot, so I spend a lot of time in here.  It's nothing too special, but I like it, and the desk chair is comfortable" he said with a laugh.

"Well that's very important" I said with a laugh.

"And this is my room" he said, leading me out again, and into the last room with the door closed.

"It's very nice" I said, suddenly feeling awkward.  I knew I shouldn't - but something about seeing his bed reminded me of how many girls he would always run around with before all of this, and it turned my stomach a little.  I wasn't really sure why, since we weren't together, but I guess just knowing that my kids would have to come here and it was all suddenly a lot to take in. 

"Are you alright, Love?  You look pale" he said, noticing the drastic change in my behavior. 

"Uh, I'm fine.  I guess I do need a rest.  Maybe on the couch?" I asked him, and he quickly obliged.

We sat down together on the couch and he turned to face me.  "I don't mean to be pushy, but it seems like something about being in my bedroom bothered you?" Finn asked.

I sighed and took a deep breath.  If we wanted to have any hope of continuing to get closer, I needed to be honest with him.

"It's really not my place or anything, but it just...seeing your bed made me think of all the women you've been with and that made me think about them being here in your house and it just..." I trailed off.

Finn ran his hands over his face before answering.

"I'm sorry that even has to be something that you think about, Kitten.  I've promised you to always be honest with you, and that's not going to change.  You need to know that you are the first woman who isn't related to me that I've brought to my apartment.  I'm not proud of my past and the way I went from woman-to-woman before, but the good news is that my theories on not getting attached meant not bringing anyone home" he assured me.  I nodded and looked down, but he put his finger under my chin and tilted my face up to make eye contact.  "I also need you to understand that there hasn't been anyone since I found out you were pregnant, Rory."

I gave a small smile and nodded again.

"Thanks, Finn.  I know that it's not really any of my business" I said quietly.

"No, it is your business.  We're having two babies soon, and we need to set some ground rules or expectations so we feel comfortable.  I will never bring another woman home, regardless of whether or not the kids are with me, and I won't let another woman meet our kids unless you and I have discussed it.  Honestly, I have no plans of dating anyone, but I'll still make that promise," Finn told me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and relaxed in my spot on the couch.

"Thank you, Finn.  I really appreciate makes me feel better.  I don't have any intentions of dating anyone either, but I can make you those same promises."

"You want to watch some TV?  Take our minds off of things for an hour or so until it's time to get ready to leave?" He asked. 

I nodded graciously, and he flipped on the TV.  Flipping through channels, he finally landed on a TV show that we both liked, and he sat the remote down and we just relaxed.  "Can I get you anything?  A coffee or anything?" He asked.

"Is it too much trouble?" I asked.  He just laughed and stood up from the couch. 

"You're cute" he said, walking towards the kitchen. 

I blushed slightly and let him follow through with my coffee order and he came back a few minutes later, sitting down with a coffee and some chocolate chip cookies. 

My eyes grew wide with excitement as I took a bite.  "These are amazing!  Where did you get these!?" I exclaimed. 

He shrugged.  "I made them" he said simply. 

"You just keep surprising me" I said with a laugh. 

"Good" he said with a smirk and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer in beside him.  I breathed him in deep, and just laid my head onto his shoulder contentedly.

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