Chapter 72

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Logan's POV

"So I'm confused... I get that you want to see your friend, Finn, is it? But Finn is dating your ex?" Odette asked.

"Yes" I said.

"So it doesn't bother you that we'll be going to dinner with your ex and the guy who is currently sleeping with her?" She asked boldly.

"Well, I mean, I promised you that I was all in and willing to make it work with you, so I don't see why having dinner with an ex is such a weird thing" I said.

"Well, that depends - how recently we're you two together?" She asked.

"Officially? Ten years ago" I said.

"Wow, that's a pretty long time. Sorry, this is just something new for me - I've never stayed friends with my exes before, so going out to dinner with one hasn't really ever crossed my mind before" she said.

"I think you two will actually get along pretty well. You were an English major in college, and Rory loves literature and things like that. I'm sure you'll have a lot you two can talk about academically" I said.

"And it's not weird for you that your best friend got her pregnant and is moving in with her?" She asked.

"Weird, sure, but nothing that I can't handle with you there with me" I schmoozed.

She rolled her eyes at me and laughed, relenting. "Okay, okay. We can go to dinner with them. But if I want to leave, can we leave?" She asked.

"Absolutely. Just send me a text or something under the table and we'll go" I promised.

* * *

Finn's POV

"Wow, you look great" I said, kissing her on the forehead as I walked into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a laugh, as I started hogging the mirror.

"What? I haven't seen Logan in a very long time, I have to make sure I look good for my man" I teased, primping.

She laughed and the melodic sound made me smile. "Thank you for doing this, Baby. It really does mean so much to me that you'd be willing to put yourself through this potentially awkward night just to make me happy. I promise, it's not going unnoticed" I told her, looking at her through the mirror.

She smiled back at me and nodded. "Only for you, believe me" she said with a laugh, and I knew she meant it. She wasn't one to put herself into particularly hard situations such as this, and knowing she was doing it for me made the act of it even more important to me.

"What time are we supposed to head out?" She asked.

"Our reservation is at seven, so I ordered a car for six thirty" I said.

"You ordered a car? How come? Plan on drinking a lot?" She teased.

"No, actually, it was only because the SUV is full to the brim, so I figured we could just hire a car for the evening. Is that okay?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course" she said with a laugh and looked at her phone. "It's already 6:15! I'd better start attempting to put my shoes on" she said with a wink and headed out to the bedroom.

God I love that woman.

* * *

Rory's POV

We pulled up to the restaurant and he came around to open the door for me. "You ready for this?" He asked, holding his hand out for me.

I took his hand and stepped out of the car. "Yeah, sure, why not! Let's do this" I said with a laugh.

He smiled and put his hand on the small of my back and led me inside.

When we got to the designated table, I could see Logan sitting beside a beautiful blonde woman with exotic features. She was absolutely radiant, and I felt about as big as a whale. Suddenly I was very self-conscious of the ever-growing belly in front of me, and I crossed my arms over my purse in front of me to hide it.

Finn noticed this action, but said nothing, although he was a little confused and alarmed by it.

Logan stood as soon as he saw us, and greeted us with smiles all around. Odette stood up also, and offered her hand to me first.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Odette" she said regally.

I smiled a greeting to her and shook her hand. "Hi, Odette, I'm Rory" I said back to her.

"You're glowing! You make pregnancy look amazing, Rory, really! I can't believe you're carrying twins! You're so tiny! I was expecting twins to be much harder on a woman, but you look gorgeous!" She said.

I couldn't tell if her comments were sincere or fake, but I wanted to believe they weren't staged. She seemed nice and polite and good for Logan, and I hoped that was the case.

"Ace, she's right! You look absolutely stunning! How are you feeling?" Logan asked, hugging me cordially.

"Much better than last week, that's for sure" I said with a chuckle and he nodded as if he knew exactly what I was talking about.

We all sat down and conversation flowed. "So Finn, man, wow. I still can't believe you're going to be a father. Of the four of us, you were definitely not one I thought would ever settle down" Logan said.

"I wouldn't have, had it been with anyone else, I assure you. But this one is a special one, and I got extremely lucky, what can I say?" Finn said with a smile from ear to ear, putting his arm around me.

"I was just as surprised as you are - never in a million years did I think Finn Morgan would ever settle down - or that it would be with me, of all people! He wore me down, though. It was hard to say no when he was being so terrific" I said.

"You guys really do seem fantastic for each other. You seem to compliment each other's differences very nicely, sort of how Logan and I do. We have a lot in common, sure, but he and I are very different" Odette interjected.

"Logan's in a league all his own sometimes, but he's a better man because of it, I think" I said with a laugh.

"I'll drink to that!" Logan said with a laugh, holding his glass up in the air.

"So, Logan tells me you're a bit of a literature nut, Rory? I absolutely love classic writings" Odette said, and our conversation continued from there.

* * *

The night that I thought would be horrible wound up actually being rather enjoyable. Odette was a very sweet person and she cared a lot for Logan, and it made me happy to see their connection. I was so worried that he had married some insufferable shrew, but she was actually pretty amazing.

Logan and Finn were able to talk as if there was no awkwardness between them, either, now that they've been face to face, and I could see the relief in Finn for that. He was so worried about losing one of his best friends, and it killed me to see him going through that.

Even Logan and I were able to laugh and talk without any weirdness or causing any issues with Finn and Odette. It was strangely one of the most enjoyable nights I've ever had with Logan, and that's because I realized in that moment, he and I were never right for each other - but Finn and I? And Logan and Odette? That was right.

"You okay, baby?" Finn asked, seeing me lost in my thoughts.

I nodded and kissed him. "More than okay. I love you, so much" I whispered, kissing him as the driver pulled away from the curb.

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