Chapter 48

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Rory's POV

Finn and I had finally come back in from the balcony after I'd gotten cold. My mind was on what he'd said to me as he led me out onto the dance floor and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest as I processed this new information. He loved me. I knew for certain that he'd never used those words with another woman. I cared about him, but saying those three words scared me. The last time I'd fallen in love had ended disastrously.

He pulled me closer to him and I looked up into his eyes. I may not be ready to put a name on what I felt yet, but I knew that I hadn't felt this happy and complete in far too long. As we swayed together, lost in our own little world, I smiled when I heard the words to the song.

I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed

I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head

And I'll take the kids to school

Wave them goodbye

And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

Finn smiled at me and kissed my forehead as he quietly sang the lyrics to me, and I couldn't help but melt.

When you looked over your shoulder

For a minute, I forget that I'm older

I wanna dance with you right now

Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever

And I swear that everyday you'll get better

You make me feel this way somehow

He reached down and placed his finger under my chin, tipping my face up so I was looking into his eyes as he continued singing.

I'm so in love with you

And I hope you know

Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold

We've come so far my dear

Look how we've grown

And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go

I pressed my body in close to his, not wanting to lose this moment, this intimacy. At that moment, Finn was the only thing I needed in the world. I closed my eyes and relished the feeling of being in his arms. I couldn't help but think that it felt like I was where I belong.

I wanna live with you

Even when we're ghosts

'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I'm gonna love you till

My lungs give out

I promise till death we part like in our vows

So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows

'Cause now it's just you and me till we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go

Oh, just say you won't let go

The song ended, but I still wasn't ready to let go of him. I wanted - no, really, I needed - more of him. We'd been dancing around each other, flirting with more, but at this moment I was overwhelmed by my desire for him. I knew that this was the point of no return for us. If I walked down this path, things would be changed forever, whether or not we put a name to what we were, and whether or not it happened again. I took in a deep breath and looked up at him.

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