Chapter 22

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Rory's POV

It had been a couple of days since Finn had gone home, but he was making sure I knew he was still just a phone call away. He and I have talked on the phone for the last two nights. It's been strange, but nice, like a breath of fresh air in this whole situation.

Just as I was closing my laptop from filling out some applications for jobs in the area, I heard a car door shut outside. I jumped up and ran to the door to see my mom and Luke getting out of a cab and gathering their luggage.

"Mom!" I cried, running out to greet them - cursing myself for not thinking to put on a jacket or shoes in the cold November air.

"Rory! I've missed you so much!!" She exclaimed, rushing to me and throwing her arms around me tightly.

"How was your trip!? Did you have fun in Florida!?" I asked.

"We had a great time, Sweets! But what about you? You seem - happy? It can't just be because of your long lost mother coming home, can it?" She asked, looking at me skeptically.

"No, I've got a lot to tell you. But can we go inside and do it? I'm freezing!" I begged. She nodded and led me inside.

After getting us both a cup of hot coffee, Luke took their suitcases upstairs so that mom and I could talk. He could sense it was mainly girly talk, and wanted an excuse to not be involved.

"So what's going on in your world, kid? What's got you in a better mood?" She asked as we sat down at the kitchen table.

"Well, the father for sure knows it's his - now. You were right. He had no idea when I first told him. And he came to visit a couple of days ago, and I let him spend the night in the diner apartment and we talked - a lot. He says he's going to be there for us, the baby and me" I said with a smile.

"Rory, that's great news - but only if he actually does what he says he's going to do... he's not exactly my favorite person right now for the way he's treated you in all of this..." she said cautiously.

"I know. Believe me, I get it. But I was thinking maybe we could all have dinner together - you, Luke, Finn and me" I said.

Lorelai about spit out her coffee hearing his name. "Finn!? The Aussie!? You're having a baby with Finn!?" She exclaimed.

"Mom, you knew this, I told you the other day..." I said.

"No - no, no, no my dear child. You said you would tell me, and then you never did - your little exotic baby in there sucked out all your energy and you passed out before you told mommy it was Finn's!" She exclaimed.

Guilt spread over me. "How could I have forgotten that I didn't tell you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sweets, pregnancy brain is no joke - it's real and sounds to me like you just had your first prime example. Prepare to forget your own name in a couple months' time" she teased.

"Oh god! Pregnancy just keeps getting more and more fun, doesn't it?" I said sarcastically with a laugh.

"Seriously, though, Finn!? Of all people to have a baby with, you chose Finn?" She asked, still trying to wrap her head around it.

"It's not like I chose for this to happen..." I reminded her.

"God, his reaction makes so much more sense now... wow.... Finn" she repeated.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "For what it's worth, his heart really does seem to be in the right place. He has been great since he came" I said.

"All two days ago...?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes, two days ago, along with texts and phone calls, and he wants to go to my next doctor's appointment with me. He says he wants to go to all of them with me. He says he won't let me do this alone and that he's sorry he was an idiot... Mom, I'm 99.9% sure he was sober the entire time he was here.... I've never seen him sober - or serious before - and he was both..." I told her.

"Well, invite him over. Tonight. I want to re-meet him" she said.

"What if he has plans tonight? This is pretty last minute to expect him to drive all the way here from Boston" I defended.

"Call him. If he comes, he earns brownie points" she said, and I walked into my room to do as I was asked.

* * *

Finn's POV

I smiled as I saw her caller ID come up on the screen. "Hello, Love. How are you feeling?" I asked softly.

"Feeling pretty okay. My mom came home today, and she said I seemed happier than before she left. I explained to her that you and I talked, and that you want to be involved, and - well - she wants to re-meet you" she said sheepishly.

"So she knows who I am, then?" I asked her. I knew how close she is to her mum, so her knowing isn't anything that bothered me.

"Apparently I had failed to mention it until I casually did today, and she almost had a fit, but I explained to her how well things have been since we talked, and she wants you to come for dinner. Tonight" she said.

"Tonight?" I asked, raking my hand through my hair. I had plans to go out with my sister tonight, trying to make amends for scaring her along with everyone else that was worried about me during my hiatus. I sighed, but decided I needed to jump through all the hoops they could throw at me right now if I wanted to get on their good sides. "What time? I'll be there" I said.

"Finn, if you have something else you need to -" she started, but I interjected.

"Nothing more important to me than having dinner with you tonight. Can I take you all out? My treat?" I asked.

"I'll talk to my mom and Luke and let you know" she said.

"You do that, and I'll start getting ready and heading that direction, Kitten" I said.

"Thank you" she whispered, I could hear the smile in her voice which made me want to burst. I caused that, which put a smile onto my face as well.

"Nonsense. I'll see you soon" I said, ending the call.

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