Chapter 35

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Rory's POV

Finn pulled the car up to Abe & Louie's, an upscale steak house I'd heard about and wanted to try.   

"Is your dad a big steak fan?" Finn asked.  I shrugged with a laugh. 

"I don't know, we don't eat together all that often, but unless that's just yet another quirk I inherited from my mom, I would say there's a good chance" I teased. 

He laughed and we got out of the car, and headed inside.  "Are you nervous?" I asked, turning around and seeing the look on his face. 

"Uh, yeah, you could say that.  I'm not usually a 'meet the parents' type guy, and now I have to meet the dad of the woman I got pregnant after a one-night-stand.... it's a bit much, but I'm okay" he said with a laugh.  I took his hand and rubbed his arm reassuringly.

"You have nothing to worry about.  I love my dad, but his opinion of you isn't what matters to me" I promised him.  He nodded, although he didn't seem like he had calmed down much.

We walked inside and gave our name, and we were lead to our table.  "Mr. Hayden isn't here yet, but we'll seat him as soon as he arrives" the hostess assured us. 

Finn held the chair out for me, and helped me scoot in towards the table, before sitting down beside me.  "Thanks" I said sweetly, taking a sip of the water in front of my place setting. 

"Hey, Kiddo, I'm sorry I'm late.  I just came from the office" dad's voice said, swooping down to kiss me on the cheek before he turned to look at Finn. 

"I'm Finn Morgan, nice to meet you, Mr. Hayden" he said, shaking hands with my dad.

"Nice to - uh - meet you too, Finn.  Please, call me Christopher" dad insisted, sitting down in his seat, realizing Finn had no idea who he was.

"You were at the office?  Dad, it's Saturday!" I said, disappointed he worked so much. 

"I know, I know, but they needed me for a few hours this morning.  No big deal.  I've got the rest of the afternoon off, so I'm happy" he said.

"Just don't work yourself too hard.  You're not Grandpa Strobe" I reminded him.

"Yes, dear" he teased with a wink.  "So enough about work.  What brings you to Boston this weekend?"

"Well, Finn and I had dinner with his parents last night to break the news of the pregnancy to them, and so I decided we should have lunch with you today" I said with a shrug. 

"But I already know you're pregnant, kiddo" he teased, "congratulations, I think - or I hope - I don't know, this is a bit hard for me.  My little girl having a baby" he said to Finn, who nodded understandably.

"I know you already know I'm pregnant, dad, but there is something more I need to tell you... we just found out on Monday that it's twins, and so I wanted to tell you in person.  Besides, I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to get the chance to meet Finn" I said.

"Uh huh..." not sure if he should tell them they'd already met a couple weeks ago in the bar.  "Twins, huh?  Wow, kid, that's a lot of responsibility on your hands"

I nodded in agreement.  "I know, dad, but Finn has been so amazing in the last two weeks.  He's really been there for me, and I feel like no matter how crazy hard this all seems like it would be, I'm not all that worried because he's been so amazing through it all.  Not to mention we'll have my mom and Luke and so many other people who care about these babies who would be willing to help.  Besides, you raised GiGi by yourself, I think we can handle two together" I said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be around to help you, too, you know.  I love you, kid" dad said reassuringly, and then excused himself to the bathroom.

I looked over at Finn for the first time in a while.  He was staring intently after my dad as he walked away, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"What are you doing?  Are you checking out my dad?" I teased him. 

He laughed.  "No, Love, but by god he looks so bloody familiar to me, I just can't seem to place it" he said.

"Well, you do both live in Boston, I'm sure you've just seen each other somewhere or something" I offered.

"No, like, I feel like I've had a conversation with him, actually talked to him, but I can't remember what about or when it was.  But it's driving me mad and I have no idea how to fix it" he said. 

"You could ask him if he recognizes you from anywhere" I suggested. 

"No, I'm doing good that the bloke isn't killing me for knocking up his daughter - I sure as hell don't want to push my luck" he said with a laugh. 

Dad walked back to the table just as the waitresses arrived to take our orders, and the moment she walked off, Finn was back to staring at him awkwardly.  I could practically see the wheels turning in his head, and suddenly he gasped and his jaw dropped.

"You and I didn't happen to meet in a bar a couple of weeks ago, did we, Mate?" Finn asked my dad.  Dad coughed and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"You have a good memory, even when you're drunk" Dad chuckled as he blushed.  That wasn't like my dad, and I instantly wanted to know what was going on.

"I feel like someone has some explaining to do here, and I'm not sure which one of you it is" I said as I eyed them both.

Finn and Dad shared a look and Dad finally shrugged.

"I went out for a drink after work a couple of weeks ago and ran into Finn.  He and I had a little chat" Dad answered evasively.

I sighed and dropped my head into my hands.

"Please tell me you didn't threaten him?  Is that why you've been so amazing these last two weeks, Finn?" I asked.  I wasn't sure I really wanted to know the answer.  We seemed to be making such great progress.

Finn cleared his throat and reached over and took my hand.  "It is, Love, but not for the reason that you think.  Your dad didn't threaten me or force me into being here for you and our little ones.  He just told me about his regrets from your childhood, and he encouraged me to put everything into what was important to me, and that's what I've done.  You and these babies are the most important things in my life, and he helped me see that" Finn reassured me.

I looked back and forth between them and settled my gaze on my dad.

"Is that right, Dad?" I asked him.  He nodded sheepishly.

"It is.  I promise that I didn't force him to step up or anything; I just helped him rethink his priorities" Dad insisted.

"I'm not sure I like you two being in cahoots, but I'm going to trust you here" I finally relented.

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