Chapter 52

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Finn's POV

As we were walking into the doctor's office, I suddenly began to feel a little nervous. With any luck, we were going to know what our little ones were, and things would become even more real for us. I felt Rory's hand creep into mine as we walked through the door.

"You okay?" I asked her softly. She nodded to me with a smile.

"Yeah, just anxious, I guess. It's weird. I never wanted to find out the gender before, but now I can't wait. I want to know, so we can start daydreaming about them and what they'll be like" she said and I couldn't help but kiss her on the top of the head.

"Hi, Rory! Don't leave a sample today - we need a full bladder for your ultrasound. They'll have you leave your sample at the end today" the receptionist said.

"Thanks" she said, and she led me towards the waiting room where we took a seat by the inside door.

"You still thinking you want a little boy?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, I definitely want a boy" she said.

"A boy would be nice, but I don't know. I still think I would love a little Rory Jr" I told her.

She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder while we waited, and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Truth be told, as long as they're healthy, I don't bloody care if they're kittens" I told her, making her laugh.

"I'm sure we would make some adorable kittens" she teased back with a smile.

The door opened and the nurse came out calling Rory's name.

"It's show time" I said, walking alongside her. She refused to let go of my hand.

They recorded her weight and led us to the ultrasound room, took her blood pressure and advised us that the ultrasound technician would be there in just a few moments.

Rory sat down on the table, I could tell she was nervous, but she smiled at me when she caught me staring. "What?" She asked.

"I'm just enjoying the moment. It's not everyday you get to find out the genders of the babies you're having with the woman you're in love with" I said.

She smiled, considering the truth in that, just as there was a knock on the door.

"Hi, I'm Shawna, I'll be doing your ultrasound today. So I heard one of your little ones didn't cooperate so well for you last time, huh?" She said.

"No, we've definitely got a flashy one and a shy one" Rory said.

"Well, I have in the notes what the first one was, so if they're different, I can tell you which one's the flashy one" Shawna said with a laugh.

She had Rory lie back on the chair and she turned off the lights. She then put some goo on her abdomen and rolled the wand over it until a picture came up.

"Now, if we don't find out the gender of one of them, do you still want to know what the other is, or do you want to wait again?" She asked to be sure.

"Well, we were sort of banking on them both cooperating this time" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't know - I guess let's just cross that bridge when we get to it?" Rory said.

"Well, this one must be our flashy one because it was really easy to tell. Now let's see if we can see what the other is" Shawna said, concentrating hard.

Rory was trying not to breathe, so it wouldn't interfere with the scan, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "You have to take a breath, baby, or you'll be passed out when she finds out" I teased her.

She let out a breath - I don't even think she realized he was holding it in. "Oh! That was good! That caused this one to move! I think... I might... be able to get the right angle... Yes! I know what they both are!" Shawna said excitedly.

Rory looked up to me happily and I couldn't stop smiling. "Well!? What is it!? Kittens!?" I asked and Rory laughed.

"Inside joke" she said with a laugh, when Shawna gave me a confused look.

"You ready to find out, baby?" I asked her and she nodded.

"You've got one of each, guys. A boy and a girl! Congratulations!!" Shawna said happily.

I couldn't believe it! I was having a son and a daughter! I must have been very good in a past life, because I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have them, and this beautiful woman carrying them.

"Wow! Can you believe it, Finn!? Are you happy!?" Rory asked with tears of joy in her eyes.

"I'm beyond ecstatic, baby" I promised her, grinning from ear to ear and then I turned to Shawna. "Okay, now this is important - which one was our little exhibitionist? Because if it was my daughter, we're going to have problems!"

Shawna chuckled. "It was your son" she assured me.

"Oh lord, he's going to be just like you!" Rory exclaimed with a laugh.

"Well, hopefully she's just like you, then" I said wishfully thinking.

"Do we have any names picked out yet?" Shawna asked.

"No, not yet. We haven't even talked about names yet, actually" Rory said.

"Looks like we'll have quite a lot to talk about tonight, won't we?" I asked her and she nodded. I don't think I've seen her quite this radiantly happy before. We were a family, a team. Two guys, two girls, and lots of love between us. I thought I was going to explode with all of the emotions running through me.

"I'm just going to take some more measurements for your growth scan, and then I'll get you set up with tons of pictures of your little ones, I promise" Shawna said.

I took Rory's hand in mine, and our eyes met. "I love you" I mouthed to her.

"Me too" she mouthed back. I knew it wasn't the same, but in the moment, it was everything. I couldn't wait to see how amazing we would be together someday.

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