Chapter 44

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Rory's POV

I stretched out on my flight from Hartford to Boston. Finn would be joining me on the connecting flight to New York, where we would spend the entire weekend together. I was a little nervous - things had definitely continued to shift between the two of us, and I was still concerned about making the right decision for our growing family. I knew that my concerns would fade into the background the minute I saw him, though - they always did.

The flight to Boston was short and uneventful. Finn had insisted on putting me in first class even though the flight was short, saying that his babies and their mom needed to be comfortable. I smiled as I walked up to the gate for the connecting flight and saw Finn. He hugged me and handed me a cup of coffee as soon as he saw me.

"Hey there, Kitten. Good flight?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was great. You might be onto something - we were quite comfortable" I said with a laugh.

He reached over and rubbed my bump tenderly for just a moment and smiled at me. "I have to take care of all three of you" he said with a smile. "Are you excited for the weekend?"

"Yeah, I really am. It will be nice to get to spend so much time with you before you leave on Tuesday." His trip to Australia for Christmas would be the longest we'd gone without seeing each other since he'd appeared in Stars Hollow.

"I agree, Love. It will be fantastic to have you all to myself for a few days," he replied.

"Well, you do have to share me tomorrow at your company party," I teased.

"Ah, but then I'll be able to show off my amazing date, and they will all be awed by your beauty and brains" he said with a laugh.

"Such a charmer!"

Just then, our flight was called. Finn took my hand and led me over to the gate. We showed our tickets and were granted entrance to the gangway. We quickly found our seats, again in first class and right next to each other.

"Aisle or window, Ror?" he asked.

"Can I have the window seat?" I asked excitedly. I loved being able to look out at the passing scenery while we were in the air.

"Of course. I wouldn't have offered otherwise" he teased.

We settled into our seats and Finn reached in his carry on bag and pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

"Are those..." I trailed off.

"Indeed, they are my chocolate chip cookies" he said with a proud grin.

I threw my arms around him and hugged him. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" I opened the bag and took out a cookie. I took my first bite and moaned in happiness. "These are so amazing."

Finn stared at me for a moment and then smiled and shook his head. "I've never seen anyone make eating a chocolate chip cookie so sensual" he teased.

I blushed and slapped him playfully.

Our flight took off a short while later. It had been a long day, and something about having Finn's warm body next to me soothed me into a peaceful sleep for most of the hour and a half flight. I woke up wrapped up in Finn's arms. He was running his fingers through my hair and whispering to me.

"Love, it's time to wake up. We're about to land, so I need you to open those beautiful blue eyes, okay?"

I stretched and sat up. "I'm sorry - I seem to be able to sleep anywhere these days" I said sheepishly.

"No need to be. I actually dozed a bit myself."

We landed at LaGuardia a few minutes later, and Finn collected my suitcase from baggage claim while I grabbed my garment bag with my dress in it. I smiled as I thought about the dress - he really was going to love it.

We walked out of the airport and were immediately met by our driver. After a relatively quick drive into Manhattan, we checked into the St. Regis New York. It was a gorgeous hotel, and I was entranced the moment we walked into the lobby.

"I keep forgetting you're not used to places like this. I enjoy their beauty, don't get me wrong, but I've just been so used to it my whole life that I don't ever just stop to appreciate it anymore" he said softly, looking around with me.

"You've got to stop and smell the roses from time to time, or you'll miss out" I told him.

He smiled and nodded. "I'm learning a lot from you, Ms. Gilmore" he said with a kiss on my forehead, before we followed the bellhop to the elevator.

"If you think the lobby is incredible, just wait until you see your room" the bellhop advised us.

"I can't wait" I said to Finn excitedly. I know I was like a child sometimes, but I was thoroughly enjoying myself in this moment.

"You're adorable" Finn told me with a smile, shaking his head in disbelief.

I shrugged. "I try" I teased back.

We made it to our room and Finn used the key card to open the door. We walked in together and I was just floored. "Wow... this is... the most beautiful room I think I have ever seen!" I exclaimed.

"And it comes with a surprise that I think you'll like even better" Finn told me.

"A surprise?" I asked eagerly.

"Twenty-four hour complimentary butler service, bringing you fresh coffee whenever your little heart desires" he said.

"You're kidding me?" I said.

"No, really, ma'am. It's the truth" the bellhop told me.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like I've gone to heaven" I said excitedly.

"Shall I call for your first cup?" Finn asked, already heading towards the phone.

"I'm assuming since you're already halfway there you realized how silly that question was?" I teased him. He just laughed and dialed.

"Would you like me to unpack for you? It's one of the services we offer" the bellhop said.

"Oh... uh... we can do it, you don't have to..." I stammered.

"That would be great, actually. I'm going to take the lady out to dinner, so that would help us out a lot, and save us some time" Finn said, and then began ordering our coffee when someone came on the line.

"Okay, well, I guess that would be great, then" I said with a laugh. "Could you make sure to leave the dress in the garment bag, though? It's a surprise" I asked.

"As you wish, ma'am" he said, getting started unpacking while I looked around the room, taking it all in.

"Coffee is on its way, Love" Finn said gently, wrapping his arms around my stomach as I took in the view of New York outside our window.

"This place is amazing, Finn. Thank you for bringing me here. This is going to be such a great weekend" I whispered.

He kissed me on the top of my head, and smiled. "Of course it will, Kitten. You're here with me" he said with a smirk, although truthfully he meant it in reverse.

"Okay," he continued. "Let's get freshened up and ready for dinner, then" he said, snapping himself out of his own thoughts, breaking away from me.

I nodded and went to my dresser to get a change of clothes out, and headed to the bathroom.

Ready for Anything?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora