Chapter 70

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Rory's POV

Finn, Annie and I made our way back to the Hartford house to meet with his family who were coming back into town today, and we planned to have them meet us at the house so Evie could see it and get started right away. 

My mom insisted on meeting them all as well, so she left Luke at the diner and followed us there, picking up some lunch for us along the way.

"Rory, this place is beautiful!  And massive!  You'll definitely have room to grow in this house!" Annie said, looking around the exterior in awe.  She wasn't used to living in such lavish homes, she and Nick shared a nice, four bedroom home in Boston, but nothing too upscale.

"It's definitely big, and inside seems even more so!  I'm hoping to have Evie make it seem more warm and inviting and homey, rather than just massive and empty" I told her.

"Well, if anyone can pull it off, it's Evie.  She's got such a knack for these things, I never understood where she got it from - I'm sure as heck not talented the way she is!" She said proudly.

I laughed and nodded my head.  "I completely understand, believe me."

"Shall we head inside, ladies?" Finn asked, luggage in tow.

"Oh, right!  You don't have a key yet.  We'll have to get on that!" I said, rushing up to the house and unlocking the front door.

I led them inside and Finn put the suitcases by the door for now, until we decided where else to go with them. 

"Would you like the tour, Annie?" I asked her.

"I sure would, this place is huge!  I would get lost in here in a heartbeat!" She teased.

I laughed and showed her around while Finn stayed downstairs to wait for my mom to get there.

*                    *                    *

After lunch, mom and Annie went outside to look around in the back yard, but I was feeling run down, so Finn and I stayed inside and talked on the couch.

Finn had a curious look in his eye and I could tell he was feeling mischievous. 

"What?" I asked him with a laugh. 

"I want to know what's in the box" he said, completely serious.

I laughed and shook my head.  "No way!  Not with your mom here!  I don't need my mom scaring her and you away" I protested.

"Rubbish!  I'm getting the box!" he said, walking over to where he sat down the luggage.

"Don't stop loving me because my mom's a nut case, please!" I said, half teasing and half seriously.

He picked up the box and opened the lid, and immediately burst out laughing at what he saw inside. 

"Really?  Lorelai thought you needed some very...barely there lingerie and handcuffs to get me interested? Doesn't she know that I can't keep my hands off of you as it is?" he teased.

My cheeks turned bright red and he smiled, closing the box up and coming back to sit beside me again.  "I mean, I can, because I have to, but not because I want to" he continued, kissing my forehead.

"I told you she's nuts" I said.

"Well I already knew that, Love, where else would you get it from?" he teased.

"See why you couldn't open it in front of your mother?" I asked.

He shrugged.  "I totally could have.  She's a lot like your mum, in a lot more ways than you know.  I think they're going to get along really well" he said with a laugh.

Soon they heard a car pull up into the driveway and they figured it was the rest of the Morgans coming in from the airport.

They were led inside by Mom and Annie, and I was grateful I didn't have to get up to answer the door.

"Oh my gosh, Rory, don't you dare scare us like that again!  Are you okay!?" Evie demanded, coming up to us and hugging me the moment she walked in the door. 

"Sorry" I said with a laugh, still being crushed by her hug.

"You've kind of got to let her breathe there, sis.  You're killing her" Finn teased her, and she hugged him next. 

"I was just so scared for her, and for you!  I thought for sure there couldn't have been a decent outcome, but thank god there was!  It's a miracle!" She said.

"I'm happy to see you well and healthy as can be considering, Rory.  This is a very lovely home you've been given" Nick said, coming over to hug me as well. 

"Thanks, and there's a lot to it that I want to change, to make it more "us", but I love it" I said.

Finn's phone rang, and by now I recognized the ring tone was Logan's.  "Go ahead and take it.  I'll be alright" I said.

He nodded and stepped outside, answering as he walked out.

*                    *                    *

Finn's POV

"Hey mate, how are things?" I asked. 

"Hey, man, they're good!  Odette and I are actually making a trip out to the east coast here soon, and I wanted to see if you wanted to get together for dinner and drinks while I'm in town" Logan said.

"Well, I guess before I can answer that, I need to talk with you first" I said.

"You do?  Why, is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, not really.  In my case not at all.  But Rory and I... well... we've sort of made things official on Christmas Eve, and we're actually going to be moving in together.  Her grandmum gave her the Hartford house, and she's asked me to live here with her" I said cautiously.

"Wow, man... that's... that's huge.  So I take it things are going well, then?" He asked in shock.

"Well, we had a scare.  Rory was trying to surprise me by coming to Australia for Christmas, but she wound up putting herself in the hospital before the plane ever even took off.  I got here as fast as I could, but my God was I a nervous wreck!  She and the babies are fine, by nothing short of a miracle, but Rory can't be left unattended for the rest of the pregnancy" I said.

"Wow, that's intense!  I'm really glad she's alright, and the little ones... I mean, I wasn't trying to not invite her to come with you earlier, when I asked you to dinner.  She's obviously more than welcome to come as well" he said awkwardly. 

"You don't think that's a bad idea?  Having her meet Odette?" I asked.

"I don't see why it should be, I mean, we've both moved on, haven't we?  I figure we can all be civil adults for dinner" he said with a laugh.

I laughed also, although I wasn't sure how Rory would take the invitation.

"I'll talk to her and see what she thinks.  She just got out of the hospital yesterday, so it will depend on how she's feeling, of course.  When will you be in town?" I asked.

"Next week, we'll be in Boston" he said.

"Okay, mate.  I'll talk to her and see what she thinks, but like I said, we may have to play it by ear based on how she feels.  She had to get a blood transfusion and everything, so she's been really tired these days" I told him.

"Okay, no problem.  Tell Ace I hope she feels back to normal soon, and I hope we can meet up while I'm there.  Just let me know" he said. 

"Will do.  Have a good night, Logan" I said and hung up the phone. 

I exhaled deeply since I wasn't sure how that conversation would pan out.

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