Chapter 51

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Rory's POV

After sleeping in a bit, Finn and I took his car service back to Stars Hollow. We had flown to Boston Sunday evening and had spent a quiet night in, just enjoying each other's company. We were planning to have an early lunch with my mom before going to Hartford for our next appointment, where we would hopefully find out what we were having.

The car dropped us at the Crap Shack. We brought in our bags and we took the short walk to meet Mom at Luke's.

"Are you excited for our appointment today?" he asked me as we walked hand-in-hand into town.

"Yeah, I really am. It's just amazing to see our babies - it still seems a bit surreal that there are two of them in there," I replied with a laugh, rubbing my belly lightly.

"After I get back from Australia, we'll start working on the nurseries and getting things set up if you'd like?" he asked.

"Yeah, that would be really nice. I'm...I'm really going to miss you while you're gone" I whispered.

"You know, you don't have to miss me, baby" he said softly.

I looked at him quizzically. "You'd prefer I don't?" I teased.

"I'd prefer you didn't miss me because you were with me."

"You'd want me to come with you to spend Christmas with your family in Australia?" I asked, surprise evident in my voice.

"I would love for you to come with me. I've grown quite accustomed to seeing you; I don't know what I'll do without you for a week. I think you'd really love it there" he replied.

I thought for a minute as we neared the diner and finally broke the silence. "Finn, I would love to come with you, but I can't. My family's here, and I've promised Mom and Grandma that I'll spend Christmas with them. I think I'm going to be stuck missing you" I replied quietly.

"If you change your mind, just say the word and I'll bring you along happily, even if it's at the last minute or you decide after I've left" replied Finn.

I nodded to him and walked into the diner as he held the door open for me. Mom was already waiting at our favorite table and bounded over to us the minute we came in.

"My baby and her babies have arrived! And the Aussie daddy is here, too! How was your weekend?" she asked excitedly as she hugged us both. We followed her to the table and sat down.

"Our weekend was...amazing. Perfect, really" I said with a smile as Finn and I exchanged a look. He pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.

"She's right - it was easily the best weekend of my life" he agreed.

"I sense there's more to this story, but we'll come back to that later" Mom said with a knowing look in her eyes. "So Finn, any big plans for Christmas?"

"Actually, I leave for Australia tomorrow. I'll be gone for a week, spending time with my family. It's a Morgan tradition. I tried to talk Rory and the littlest Gilmore-Morgans into coming with me, but it appears I'll be making the trip alone" he said, nudging me in the side lightly.

I was saved from the conversation by Luke walking over to our table and taking our orders, and soon we were back to chatting.

"So, Mom, Finn bought you some gourmet coffee beans at Dean and Deluca in New York" I said, hoping to distract from the conversation about Australia. It was a tempting offer, but I wasn't quite ready for that step.

"Ooh, I knew I loved you, Aussie! You certainly know how to treat your baby momma's momma" Mom teased, and Finn almost spit his coffee across the table.

"I'll look into getting that embroidered on a sweatshirt for you, Lorelai. It could say 'World's Greatest Baby Momma's Momma'" Finn joked.

"Somehow, I think I would do well to keep you two far away from each other" I deadpanned.

"That will be much harder to do once I move to Hartford, baby" Finn teased me.

"Wait, what?!" Mom squealed. "You're moving to Hartford?" she asked Finn.

Finn nodded his head and smiled. "Yeah, I want to be close to Rory and the babies, and I know that she wants to be close to you, so after the holidays I'll tie up some loose ends and transfer to the Hartford office. I don't want to be a part-time dad who only sees his kids on the weekends; I want to be there for every day of their lives."

Mom stared at Finn for a moment and smiled. "Well, I have to hand it to you, you've done an amazing job of accepting things. I think you're going to make a great dad, Finn. In fact, I think I really owe you an apology. When I first found out that you were the father of my grandbabies, I wasn't exactly your biggest fan. I was afraid that you wouldn't take things seriously, but it's quite obvious that I was wrong. I think Rory is lucky to have you. It's obvious that you care about her and those babies" Mom confessed.

"I love her and our little ones more than anything" Finn said, intertwining our hands together. He'd reminded me that he loved me several times over the weekend - it had almost become our thing - and I could tell he didn't even think before saying it around my mom. Her jaw dropped and she looked back and forth between us.

"Did you already know this, Sweets? Because you don't look surprised at all" she asked.

"Yeah, he told me Saturday night" I answered softly.

"And is this a good thing? I mean, you're not running, so it has to be, right?" Mom pressed.

"It is a good thing" I said, making eye contact with Finn. "We both know where we stand now. And I'm not running - I'm very happy" I confessed.

READER POLL: Rory and Finn are about to find out the gender of their babies! Leave a comment/review with your vote for what they're having! We'd also like to hear your name ideas, so leave those here as well! The big reveal will be tomorrow! CAST YOUR VOTES NOW!!

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