Chapter 13

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"Finn, buddy, what's wrong? You sounded like you needed to talk to me rather quickly... Is everything okay?" Logan asked into the phone.

Finn sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. "No, Mate, it's not, and I'm about to either ruin your life or make you very happy - but I'm not sure which, yet" he said.

"You have my attention..." Logan said.

"Rory came to see me today" Finn said.

There was a long silence and Logan swallowed hard. "She did?" he asked, trying to figure out what would have caused the love of his life to go see his best friend.

"Come to find out, Mate, she's pregnant. And you were with her in New Hampshire, so I'm pretty positive the child is yours..." Finn said, trying not to beat around the bush.

"What!?" Logan asked. A million thoughts were running through his mind. He couldn't have a baby with another woman when he just vowed real, heartfelt vows to his new wife to really try to make things work with her. "How? Rory and I were careful that night...Very careful" he said slowly.

"Well, it's not like those things work 100% of the time. Maybe one got through...?" Finn offered, the conversation killing him.

Finn could hear Logan sigh deeply from the other end of the line. "I'm - just - I'm beyond shocked right now... How are we even sure it's mine? Maybe she was with someone else?" Logan offered.

"Wishful thinking, Mate. Knowing Rory, she hasn't been with anyone since you in New Hampshire" Finn reasoned.

Logan took another deep breath and groaned. "This is not good, but I guess I need to call her..." he realized.

"I would do it soon. She seemed like a wreck" Finn whispered, the words cutting him like a knife.

"Good thinking. I'll call her now. Thanks for telling me, Finn. Even if this is quite possibly some of the worst news I've heard in a very long time" he chuckled.

"No problem, Mate. You deserved to know as soon as possible. Besides, I know you'd do the same thing for me" Finn said painfully, and they hung up the phone.

* * *

Logan took a deep breath and dialed the number he knew by heart. He'd deleted her number from his phone when he and Odette had decided to make a go of things. He held his breath as he listened to the ringing of the phone.

"Hello?" Rory answered.

"Hey, Ace" Logan replied softly.

"Logan? I'm sorry...I just...I didn't expect to hear from you. Aren't you on your honeymoon?"

"I am, but it seemed important that you and I speak soon."

"It did? Why?" Rory asked.

"I talked to Finn, Rory."

"I'm still not following this conversation, Logan. I'm sorry, I'm tired and in desperate need of caffeine that I can't have."

"I know you're pregnant, Rory" he finally said.


"Yeah, oh. Were you going to tell me?" he asked.

"Why would I need to tell you, Logan? You and I ended things back in New Hampshire."

"Well, it's generally considered polite to tell a man he's going to be a father, even if you're no longer with him" Logan said frustratedly.

"Oh! Oh no. He really thought that...oh wow. God, this is awkward. The baby isn't yours, Logan" she whispered.

"Oh, thank god! I mean...I'm sorry, that sounded really harsh, but this really wasn't good timing for me."

"Well, it's really not good timing for me either, but here I am" Rory said bitterly.

"I didn't mean it like that, Rory" Logan sighed. "I just got married, and despite the circumstances, Odette and I made promises to each other to really make this work between us. You being pregnant with my child would have made things infinitely more complicated."

"Well, you're in the clear there, so no worries" Rory reassured him.

"And you're positive that it's not mine? We don't need to do a paternity test or anything? Despite the circumstances, I wouldn't leave you to do this alone. I would still be there for my kid."

"No, I'm absolutely certain, but thank you. I was...with someone else....a one-night stand, about a month before New Hampshire. I assumed it was yours too, but the dates don't add up at all. It's definitely the other guy's."

"Well, I hope that he'll step up and be a dad for this kid then, Rory. You deserve happiness."

Rory began crying when she heard his words.

"Thanks, Logan, really. That means a lot" she sobbed.

"Hey, why the tears?"

"It's my problem, not yours. It's just...I think I'm going to be on my own here. It looks like he doesn't want to have anything to do with me or the baby" Rory whispered.

"I'm so sorry. Finn, Colin and Robert all live pretty close to you; I'm sure they would love to be there for you" he offered.

"That's not likely, but thanks" Rory said bitterly.

"Listen, I need to get back to Odette, but I wish you all the best, Rory."

"Thank you, Logan. And congratulations on your marriage. I'm really proud of you for giving your marriage 100%. I truly wish you guys all the happiness in the world. Finn said something about keeping me away from you; I need you to know that I'm happy for you and I would never try to break up your marriage, Logan."

"Thanks, Ace. You're a real class act. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"That's all I can do" Rory replied quietly. "Bye, Logan."

* * *

Finn's POV

I looked down at my phone in confusion, wondering why Logan was calling me back already. Maybe he lost Rory's number and I have to help with that, too.

"Hey, Logan, I didn't expect to hear back from you so soon..." I said.

"I just had to hurry up and tell you the good news before the buzz wore off! It's not my baby! And she's 100% sure of it!" Logan exclaimed happily.

"What? So she really was with someone after you in New Hampshire?" I asked in surprise. Now this cut deeper than I had expected.

"No, before! Apparently the dates show that she's further along than she thought she was - apparently she was already pregnant in New Hampshire and didn't know yet!" Logan said, excitement dripping off his voice.

"Be...fore...? How much before?" I asked cautiously.

"She said it was a one-night-stand, about a month before she and I got together that night" Logan said.

I could feel all the color drain from my face. A month before? No... It couldn't be... Could it?

"Finn, you alright? I figured you'd be celebrating with me!" Logan said.

"Uh, I've actually got to run... Something urgent just came up at work that needs my attention... Can I talk with you later?" I asked abruptly.

"Absolutely! Hope it's not too complicated for you, and I'll talk to you later. Oh! And if you wouldn't mind, could you and the guys go and check on her from time to time? She seems to think the father doesn't want to have anything to do with her, and she was really upset on the phone" Logan said. "Anyway, take care, and I'll talk to you later, Finn" he said, and I silently hung up the phone, still in shock.

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