Chapter 37

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Rory's POV

I sat on the couch, enjoying the quiet and thinking through the day while Finn was talking with Logan. I hoped that Logan's phone call meant that he and Finn would be okay. I know Finn had been worried about what would come of their friendship. As I sat there, I couldn't help but wonder about what had happened between my dad and Finn. I wanted to believe that Finn was involved by choice, but not knowing what had happened was concerning. I honestly didn't know what I would do if he were to decide that he didn't want to be part of this after all. I had come to depend on him already.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the bedroom door shut, and before I knew it Finn was sitting next to me on the couch again.

"You're smiling - does that mean it went well?" I asked hopefully.

He smiled and me and nodded. "It does, Love. He's still processing things to an extent, but he and I are going to be just fine. I can't tell you how much better I feel after hearing from him. We've been friends for so long, and I can't imagine losing that friendship."

"Well, I'm glad that everything's going to be okay. I guess he and Odette are doing well?" I asked.

"They are. He said that things are going as well as he could hope there. They're still working on establishing their relationship. He said they'll be here in January, and they would love to have dinner with us while they're in town" Finn replied hesitantly.

I had to admit that it would feel odd to have dinner with Logan and his wife, but I wanted to make an effort to support Finn as much as he was supporting me.

"Yeah, that would be nice" I answered quietly.

Finn reached up and gently turned my face so we could make eye contact. "Is something on your mind, Rory? Something, for lack of a better word."

I sighed and scooted over a bit, putting some space between us, and turning my body fully toward him. "It's just...I can't quit thinking about the fact that you and my dad talked the night before you appeared in Stars Hollow to talk to me" I whispered.

Finn nodded and rubbed his hands over his face. "Let's talk about it. What's on your mind?" he asked.

"I had convinced myself that I could do this without you if I had to, but then you showed up and things have been really good, Finn. It would kill me to find out that you didn't really want to be involved, or for you to suddenly decide someday that this wasn't the life you wanted" I confessed.

Finn's face showed a myriad of emotions - surprise, concern, sincerity. I watched them fly across his face in quick succession.

"Look at me, Rory," Finn said firmly. "I kind of went off the deep end, trying to figure out how to handle everything when I found out that I was going to be a dad. Your dad ran into me at the bar. I was drunk and upset because I felt like I'd already blown it and there was no way you would let me be part of this. Your dad just encouraged me to put all of my effort into what was really important to me. I didn't realize that he was your dad at the moment, but it really helped me to hear about his regrets in his relationships with you and your mom over the years. I needed to hear that it wasn't too late for me to get my shit together and go after the life that I want. You and our babies are what's important to me, Rory. I find myself thinking about the three of you all day, and I want this life so badly. I'm scared to death that I'll screw it up, and I can only hope that you'll forgive me and give me another chance when I do, but I'm in this completely" he answered.

I'd never heard him speak so passionately about anything other than redheads and liquor. I could see how honest he was being and how desperate he was for me to believe him. I was known for needing lists and time to think, but something about Finn made me ready to take a leap and trust him. He'd been so amazing these last few weeks. I smiled and reached out and laced our fingers together.

"You know, I'm really proud of you, Finn. I know that this whole thing has been a huge adjustment for you, but you've done an amazing job. I've never had to wonder if you would keep your promises, and you've been so good to me. I never planned on having kids until after I was married, if even then, but've turned this into a really good thing" I whispered.

He smiled and pulled me into his lap. I relaxed against his chest and sighed happily.

"I've never wanted to get married or have kids, but I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else. This is the happiest I've ever been."

"I think I'm right there with you" I admitted.

"It's amazing to think - you know, I never believed in fate or any of that nonsense, but I feel like we were meant to do this together, in a weird way - if that makes any sense" he whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

I took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. "I've always believed I make my own path, but I definitely feel like there was something else that had a hand in it" I whispered, gently touching his cheek with my hand.

He closed his eyes and nuzzled into my touch. I couldn't help it, it was as if something magnetic was pulling me to him. I kissed him again, this time with more urgency and passion burning through me. I almost craved him. But his surprised smile caused me to smile back and take a deep breath.

"Why'd you stop?" He whispered, opening his eyes to look at me once more.

"I'm just enjoying the moment" I whispered.

"I enjoyed it better this way" he whispered, kissing me again, his hands on my face, and I didn't want to let him go.

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