Chapter 69

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Rory's POV

"Are you two ready to get out of here?" our day nurse, Melissa, asked as she walked into the hospital room.

"We can't wait, honestly.  It will be nice to be...well, anywhere but here," I said with a laugh.

"You can say this again.  Both of us sleeping in this hospital bed isn't exactly comfortable," Finn added.

"You know we would have pulled another bed in for you, Finn," Melissa replied.

"Ah, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep with my beautiful girl in my arms," he admitted with a sly smile.

"You two have to be the sweetest couple I've gotten to take care of in forever, and that's really saying something.  Now, we've gone over all of your discharge and care instructions.  Do either of you have any questions?" asked Melissa.

"No, I think we're clear on everything.  I'll make sure that she follows doctor's orders - we don't want to end up back here if we can help it," Finn replied.

"Excellent.  Well, Rory, if you'll just get comfortable here in the wheelchair we'll get you two out of here," Melissa said as she helped Rory into the waiting wheelchair.

Melissa wheeled me outside with Finn following us with our bags, and soon he pulled up to the curb in my Prius to officially leave the hospital after four very intense, emotional days.  He helped me into the passenger seat and breathed a sigh of relief as he got himself situated in the driver's seat.  Being discharged meant that the babies and I were doing well enough that the doctor thought we were out of the woods for the time being, provided Finn and I followed all of Dr. Abbott's orders and restrictions.

"Where to, Love?" Finn asked.

"Can we stop by Luke's for food, and then we can go check into the Dragonfly?" I asked.  Mom had reserved the honeymoon suite for Finn me for the next two days, hoping to give us plenty of peace and room to relax.  We would stay in Stars Hollow for two days and then head to Boston to pack Finn's things before returning to Stars Hollow until our home in Hartford had been redecorated by Evie.  It all still seemed a bit surreal.

"Of course; I thought you might want to go there," he replied as he put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. 

"When will Evie be back from Australia?" I asked Finn, mentally preparing a timeline of when things would be happening.

"They'll all be back in the States tomorrow, and they're planning on flying straight to Hartford.  They all want to see that you're okay with their own two eyes as well."

"It seems so weird to have the support of both of our families - I've actually never experienced that before," I chuckled. 

"How any guy's family could not think you were good enough is beyond me, but the Huntzbergers have always been difficult at best," he replied.

"It's not so bad, though.  I mean, without everything that happened in the past we might not be here now, right?  And this...this is everything I've ever wanted," I whispered.

"You and me both, Love.  Have you given any thought to what you'd like done at the Hartford house?  Evie is dying to get started"

"Actually, I'd like to change almost all of it.  It's just...I don't want to feel like I'm living in my grandparents' home.  I want to make it feel like ours.  The only room I'd like to leave mostly untouched is the study.  It still has my Grandpa's things in it - his desk, books, chess set.  I want to be able to go there and still feel like he's with me," I said emotionally.

"Then that's what we'll do, Ror.  The study will remain as it is, and we'll redo everything else."

"I want our first priorities to be the living room, kitchen and our bedroom - I feel like we can work around everything else," I said.

"Our bedroom, huh?  Not gonna ban me to the pool house?" Finn teased.  Truthfully, while he wanted to be in the main house with her, they hadn't actually discussed it since they became a couple.

"Nope, you're stuck with me, mister," I teased.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather rather be," he said with a smile as he parked in front of the curb at Luke's.  He helped me from the car, and every eye was immediately on us when we walked in the door.  We were mobbed by well-meaning townspeople who wanted to check on me and the babies, and by Ms. Patty and Babette wanting to comment on my choice of men.

"Move out, everyone!" Luke barked, waving the crowd away and ushering me to a table.  "You'd think they'd never seen a pregnant woman before," he growled.  "Now, what can I get you two?"

"I'll have the usual," I said, noticing Luke's eye roll as he wrote down my order.

"I'll have the same - I'm sure it's delicious," Finn added.

"I'll have it right out," he replied, walking toward the kitchen.

I heard the bell over the door ring and turned to see my mom walking into Luke's.  "There's my baby, her baby daddy, and the grandbabies!" Mom said with a laugh.  "It's so good to see you on the outside, kid."

"Mom, it's not like I've been in prison," I said with a laugh.

"No, but I bet it felt like it.  I just had to come over on my lunch break and see how you're doing.  I already have you checked in - here are your keys," she said, handing Finn and I each a key to our suite.  "Sookie is so excited that she's coming in tomorrow to make breakfast.  She can't wait to see you."

"Aw, that's so sweet!  I can't wait to see her either, or to be able to introduce her to Finn.  At least I can be certain she won't try to hit on him, unlike some other people," I said, nodding toward Babette and Ms. Patty.

"Ah, some things never change, kid."

Hey everyone!  Jenny & I just wanted to give you all a heads up about what's been going on with the updates.  So she just got an amazing brand new job!!  She hasn't quite been there a week yet & she LOVES it, but it takes up all her time during the day, making it impossible for us to write in the daytime anymore :(

Evenings have been hectic for me because car trouble with my husband's car has made it to where I have to take him to/from work, usually right smack dab in the middle of when she's avail to write in the evenings.   Hopefully his car will be fixed soon & we can get back to some normalcy! 

We're talking about writing chapters separately in the meantime, but we haven't done so yet.  It breaks my heart to even consider it, but Ik it will need to be done for the sake of the story :(

I've got a VERY busy week & a 1/2 starting tomorrow all the way to the next weekend - between family bday dinners, prenatal Dr appts & getting kiddos ready for school next Wednesday. 

Jenny & I will do our very best to stay involved, but we will have to do so at our own pace.  Thank you all for your patience & understanding!  We love this story & we love our readers.  Don't give up on us!  We'll be back to normal as soon as possible!!

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