Chapter 59

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Rory's POV

I fidgeted nervously and looked at my watch for the hundredth time, waiting on the car that Evie had insisted on sending to take me to the airport.  It was just as well that she'd sent a car, as my entire family was still back in Nantucket to celebrate the holiday.  The last 48 hours had been a flurry of securing a visa, getting back to Stars Hollow, packing and preparing for the long flight to Australia.  I'd been partially successful in keeping myself busy enough not to be completely overcome by nerves, but they were definitely still there.

I perked up as I heard the car pull up in the driveway, and I was coming down the stairs with my suitcase before the driver had even exited the car.  He met me halfway and took my suitcase.  He helped me into the car and we were on our way to the airport quickly.  My anticipation was building with every mile that passed.  I double-checked my purse and carry-on, a nervous habit that I'd picked up over the years, and shifted impatiently.

We arrived at the airport and the driver escorted me through to the private terminal, carrying my bags so I didn't have to.  As soon as we entered the terminal, we were greeted by the pilot and I was whisked out to the waiting private jet.  I'd never thought about the benefits of Evie insisting on sending their private jet for me, but it was definitely a nice treat.

I boarded the jet behind the pilot and looked around, taking in my surroundings.  It was easy to see why Finn didn't mind traveling - this was a far cry from flying commercially.  I made myself comfortable in one of the leather seats, propping my feet up, and took a book out of my bag.

"Miss Gilmore?  There's a bit of a weather hold due to lightning, but we should be clear to take off in about fifteen minutes.  Feel free to move about the cabin in the meantime," the flight attendant said.

"Oh, thank you so much.  I'm good for here for right now," I said with a smile. 

I looked back to my book and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.  I'd been feeling some cramping all morning, and it had suddenly gotten sharper and more intense.  I breathed through it for a few minutes, trying to stay calm, and finally excused myself to the restroom.  I couldn't help but replay Finn's words in my head as I walked to the lavatory - his fear that something bad was going to happen.  I tried to calm my nerves, reassuring myself in my head that everything was okay, but all the reassurances in the world wouldn't help me once I got into the restroom.

I froze as I looked down and saw blood - it was everywhere, and my heart stopped.  I couldn't lose my babies.  I began shaking and crying and bolted from the bathroom, running right into the flight attendant.

"Miss?  Is everything okay?" she asked, noticing the panic in my eyes.

"My babies...I'm," I whispered before passing out.

*                    *                    *

Flight Attendant's POV

I panicked for a slight moment, but then my training kicked in.  I immediately shouted to the pilot that the flight was aborted and I called Emergency Medical Services immediately after that.  I knelt down beside her, she was losing so much blood.  I tried to wake her up, with the assistance of the operator I still had on the line, but nothing was working. 

I checked her pulse as I was instructed, she was still hanging in there, for now, but I had no idea for how long.  The pilot came and checked on the situation, and opened the doors of the jet for the EMS team to come in easily. 

"I need to call her emergency contacts, can you stay with her until help arrives?" I asked the pilot.  He reluctantly agreed and came over to where I was sitting.

I pulled out my flight manifest and found the listed emergency contacts on it, calling the first number.  A Lorelai Danes.  I left a message since the call was not answered.  The same with Christopher Hayden.  No answer.  There was another number I almost didn't call since it was Australia, but decided to anyway since the first two were failed attempts. 

"Hi, is this Evie Bradley?  This is Diane Nelson, the flight attendant on Ms. Gilmore's flight" I said.

*                    *                    *

Evie's POV

My face went pale when I heard who was calling.  "Y-yes?  Is there a problem, Diane?" I asked, cautiously. 

I could see Finn's eyes on me - he didn't know who I was talking to, but he appeared concerned.  Almost like he knew.

"I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but Ms. Gilmore is being rushed to the hospital, she's hemorrhaging blood, and is unconscious" the lady alerted me. 

"Oh my god" I whispered, looking up at Finn and he could see it in my eyes. 

"Th-thank you, Diane.  We'll continue calling her mother and father.  Thank you for calling" I said hanging up, trying to remain calm, but Finn wasn't having it.

"Rory?" He whispered.

I nodded and looked down.

"But - why would someone call you and not me?  What's going on!?" He demanded.

"She was coming to surprise you, she didn't want me to tell you.  She put me down as an emergency contact because she was taking our family jet.  I don't know what's happening - I just know she's hemorrhaging blood and she's unconscious.  They're rushing her to the hospital" I said softly.

Tears immediately came to his eyes as he jumped to the worst conclusion first. 

"I can't lose them - either of them, Evie!  I can't!  I need to get to her, call the jet for me please" he begged. 

"Finn, the jet is in Hartford.  It's not here" I whispered, immediately realizing my mistake. 

He ran his fingers through his hair and paced.  "I don't care!  I need to get the hell to Hartford!  Please help me!" He yelled.

I nodded and pulled up flights on my phone immediately.  "You need someone to go with you, you can't go by yourself!" I insisted.

"Then book two tickets, I don't fucking care, Evie!  I knew it!  I knew something was going to happen!" He yelled, sinking down with his head in his hands crying.

"You can't go, Evie.  Stay with your boys for Christmas.  I'll go with Finn" our mum said from the doorway.  I don't know how much she's heard, but clearly enough to see the importance. 

I nodded and booked two flights on the shortest possible flights I could get them on, and called the car service to rush them to the airport.  "You go, I'll explain to everyone else" I told them, and they ran out the door with only the bare necessities.

I hoped to god for Finn's sake - and Rory's - that everything was going to be okay.

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