Chapter 71

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Rory's POV

"So, Love, how are you feeling about the changes that Evie's making at the house?" Finn asked me as we were nearing his apartment in Boston. We were going to supervise the packing of his things and bring his SUV and the things he needed immediately back to Hartford with us. We'd elected to use his car service for the trip to Boston so we didn't need to drive separate cars back. He was taking the doctor's orders that I not be left alone quite seriously.

"I'm really excited, actually. After walking through the house with her and talking about what we wanted, I really think it's going to be fantastic. I think she'll work her magic and the house will feel like our home," I answered.

He put his arm around me and I snuggled up close. "I think the thing I'm most excited about is you and I being settled in our home. It will feel more permanent once we're all moved in and the remodeling is finished."

"That will be nice," I agreed. "I can't wait to see what she's done when we get back from Boston."

"About us being in Boston - there's something I need to talk to you about," Finn said softly. I could see the uncertain look on his face.

"Go ahead," I encouraged him.

"Logan and his wife will be in Boston while we're here, and he asked if we wanted to have dinner with them. I didn't know how you would feel about that," he trailed off.

"Oh. Oh, wow. Umm...does she know about...well, that Logan and I were seeing each other while they were together?" I asked. I didn't want to walk into a terrible situation.

"No, they both know that they weren't exclusive prior to their wedding, but she has no idea who he was seeing," he replied, and I exhaled the breath I'd been holding.

"Good. And he knows about us?"

"Yeah, I told him when we spoke, and he knows that we're official and moving in together now," Finn confirmed.

"Okay then, I guess it would be nice to see him again. You're sure it won't be weird for you?"

"No, I'm secure in our relationship," he said with a smile.

"Alright, tell him we'll meet them for dinner," I agreed.

"Thank you, Love. I've missed seeing him," replied Finn.

We pulled up to the curb in front of his apartment and he grabbed our bags and led me into the lobby and then the elevator. We walked into his apartment after we exited the elevator and I smiled as I looked around and thought back to the time we had spent here together.

"It feels like ages since I've been back here," Finn chuckled. "First the trip to Australia and then being in Hartford with you - I guess it's been a few weeks."

"Are you sure you're okay with moving to Hartford? I know that this is your home," I said quietly.

He walked over to me and kissed me softly. "My home is with you and our two little ones," he said with a smile. "This is just an apartment. It's much more important for me to be with my family."

"Your family lives in Boston, silly," I said with a laugh.

"No, my family is right here next to me. Now, are you hungry? We could order some Chinese and relax for the rest of the evening. The movers will be here early tomorrow morning to pack, so I thought a quiet night would be good," he said.

"That sounds perfect. I think I'll go change into some yoga pants and a t-shirt. Is it okay to use your room?" I asked.

"My room?" he said with a laugh. "I tell you what - until I've moved out, it's our apartment and our room. I want you to feel comfortable here, baby."

"Alright then, I'll be right back." I grabbed my bag and walked into our bedroom, still smiling at his insistence that it wasn't just his room. I changed into some sweats and then opened his closet and grabbed one of his t-shirts and slipped it on.

He was just hanging up the phone after ordering the food when I walked into the room. I joined him on the couch and snuggled into his side.

"Nice shirt. You know, I think it looks familiar," he teased.

"Well, I figured if you were willing to share your apartment and your bedroom, surely you were willing to share your shirts with me as well," I said with a laugh.

"Well, when you put it that way, it makes perfect sense. I must say, I love seeing you in my clothes. The only thing better would be seeing you out of them," he said with a sly smile.

"You are a mess," I replied, both of us laughing.

"Ah, but I'm your mess, dear."

I nodded my agreement and walked to the kitchen. "Do you have any coffee?" I called to him.

He walked into the kitchen with me and opened the freezer and pulled out some ground coffee and handed it to me. I began scooping it into a coffee filter while he filled the coffee maker with water. I poured the last scoop of coffee in and took a deep whiff of the heavenly aroma.

"Are you sniffing coffee?" he teased.

"What can I say? Coffee and book sniffing are two of my favorite pastimes."

"You're one-of-a-kind, Rory Gilmore," he chuckled.

"Hey, the same could be said about you, Mr. Mogan! Maybe we're both a bit odd; that just makes us even more interesting as a couple, right?"

"Right you are, baby. Now, how about that coffee?" he asked as the machine finished brewing. He took down two mugs and poured us each a cup of the delicious brew and we settled back on the couch next to each other. We sipped our coffee in silence for a few minutes and I sighed happily.

"Hey, Finn?" I asked.


"I love you," I said with a smile.

"I'm so glad you do, baby. Being in love is much more fun when the feelings go both ways."

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