Chapter 23

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Finn's POV

Lorelai, Luke, Rory and I had settled into a table at Luke's favorite restaurant, Sniffy's. It was a slightly awkward situation, sitting there with them and the elephant in the room, but I did my best to make the evening pleasant and friendly. I was used to dodging curveballs thrown to me from all angles of society soirées, so it wasn't anything new for me.

"So Finn, tell us about you. I understand that you live in Boston. What do you do? Is your family in the area?" Lorelai asked awkwardly.

"My family is in Boston as well. I'm quite close to my parents and my sister, Eve. I work in the family business; I'm the Vice President of Corporate Infrastructure."

"And what is the family business?" Lorelai asked.

I blushed sheepishly and looked down for a moment before answering. It wasn't that I was ashamed of the family business - quite the opposite, in fact. It was always just slightly unnerving to admit how much my family was worth.

"We are the Morgans of JP Morgan Chase," I finally answered.

"Oh, wow," Lorelai replied in shock. Knowing her aversion to society, I had hoped to avoid that confession for a bit, but the cat was out of the bag now.

"Alright, I can't take it anymore. To hell with manners - how in the world did this happen?" she finally asked, pointing between myself and Rory. I looked to Rory for some direction and she just shrugged.

"Mom, you could have been a bit more subtle," Rory admonished Lorelai.

"Forget subtle, kid. I've been more than patient with the lack of information so far. I think I'm entitled to know how you got knocked up by the exotic one," Lorelai demanded playfully.

"Well, seeing how you're a mom, I thought for sure you knew about the birds and the bees," Rory said teasingly. Lorelai just stared us both down.

I cleared my throat and jumped in, hoping to win some brownie points with Luke and Lorelai by answering the question.

"I knew that Rory had broken things off with Logan and would be hurting, so I invited her out to dinner while I was in Hartford in hopes of cheering her up. We enjoyed dinner and some drinks, and we realized it was getting late, but we were both having such a good time catching up, that we weren't ready to call it a night yet. So, I took her out to a place that I go to a lot when I'm in town visiting my good friends Colin and Stephanie. They're open late with good music, good drinks, and it's a good place to blow off some steam after something stressful happens" I started. I notice that Lorelai was fixated on me and prompted me to continue on.

I sighed, but not enough to be noticed. It was getting down to the hardest part for me.

"I finally got Rory to loosen up enough to dance, and we were having a blast - laughing constantly - and she had forgotten about everything bad in her life for the moment. It was a beautiful thing to witness. We sat in a booth and got to talking about everything we could think of, trying to extend the night in any way we could. While we were talking, we continued drinking, and while we were drinking, things got a little carried away. I wanted to kiss your daughter more than I've ever wanted anything, but I didn't. I had too much respect for her, and my best friend, and the relationship they once shared to betray either of them that way. But when she kissed me, I lost all control. Before I knew it, we had ended up at my hotel room, and spent one perfect night together before I fell asleep and she took off before sunrise" I said.

"Thank you for sparing the details" Luke grumbled.

"Why didn't you call her after? Were you just using her?" Lorelai asked.

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