Chapter 5

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I was sitting in the kitchen the next morning when Mom walked in for her first cup of coffee for the day.

"Rory, sweets, you do realize that you're eating an apple, don't you?" she asked quizzically.

I knew immediately that it was time to have the conversation I'd been trying to wrap my head around.  I had hoped to have talked to the father to know where things stood first, but fate didn't seem to be on my side.

"Mom, maybe you should sit down" I whispered, giving myself a pep talk in my head.

"Is everything okay, Ror?  You're scaring...oh my god.  You're eating an apple.  Are you...?"

"I am," I whispered, looking down at the kitchen table in front of me.  I didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes.

"Oh, kiddo.  How are you feeling about all of this?  I didn't even know you were seeing anyone.  How could I not know that my daughter was seeing someone?  Oh my god, I've turned into Emily Gilmore!  I don't even know my own kid" Lorelai ranted.

"Mom, calm down.  I'm not really seeing anyone, so you didn't miss anything."

"Well, unless it was immaculate conception, there has to be someone."

"There is, or there was.  It was a one night stand."

"Wow, you wait until you're 32 to have your first one night stand and then make it two within the year.  So, who is this guy?"

"I...I can't tell you right now, Mom.  I haven't been able to get in touch with him, and I really feel like I should talk to him before I tell anyone else who the father is."

"But it's someone you know?" She asked.

"Yes, I've known him for a long time" I tried to assure her.

"Do I know him?" She asked, trying to squeeze out as much information as she could before I'd stop her.

"Vaguely" I answered.

"So it's not an ex?" She asked.

I shook my head.  "No, we were literally only together the one time.  I thought it was Logan's from when he and the boys picked me up a few weeks ago, but the dates don't add up, it was the other guy" I said.

She sighed, but then realized I knew an awful lot about dates adding up, "You've been to the doctor?"

"Yes.  A couple of days ago" I whispered, knowing she would be livid that I would wait to tell her.  But she wasn't.  She was very lucid.  Scarily so.

"Did you have an ultrasound?" She asked. 

I nodded and got up to get the photo album I'd bought to keep the pictures safe.  I sat back down and handed her the book.  She flipped through the pictures, without saying a word, and then she closed it.  She didn't look up, and she didn't speak.  I've never seen her quite like this before. 

"I know it's a lot to take in..." I whispered, trying to break the silence.

She drew in a deep breath and sighed loudly.  "Yeah.  You've got that right" she said, still in shock.  "So.... when will the littlest Gilmore be making his or her debut?"

"May 27th" I whispered.  Lorelai nodded and was still in a silent shock.  "Mom, I'm sorry..." I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. 

This made her wake up.  "Sorry?  Why are you sorry?  Rory, you're a grown woman!  A Yale graduate for crying out loud.  I'm not disappointed in you!  Shocked and surprised, sure - but it's not like you're 16 and it happening to you...  I mean, marriage or at least a committed relationship would have been ideal, but I'm not judging you.  And I am here for you.  Always, kid!" She promised.

Tears filled my eyes and she pulled me in for a hug. "I love you, mom" I whispered.

"I love you, too, sweets" she whispered back. 

After a few more moments of silence, she pulled away from me a little to try again.  "You're really not going to tell me who the father is?"

I laughed and shook my head. "No, mom" I said firmly.

"You're no fun now that you're going to be a mom" she teased, nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah well, you're going to be a grandma" I shot back.

"No!  You take that back, young lady!  I am far too young and beautiful to be a grandma.  We have 7 months to find something else to call me, but I will not be grandma, understood?"

"Yes, mother" I chuckled.

"This is really happening.  There will be four generations of Gilmores."

"That's what the stick and the ultrasound say" I confirmed.

"Have you told anyone else?"

"No, I wanted you to be the first person other than the father, although that "obviously hasn't worked out.  I'll probably give it a bit more time before I tell anyone else" I replied.

"Ooh, can I be there when you tell my mom?  I know she's the new Emily Gilmore who says "bullshit" like it's going out of style and wears tennis shoes, but I still want to watch that show" she said giddily.

"I'm so glad to know that my situation amuses you" I groaned.  "What happened to being there for me?"

"Oh, I'll be there with bells on."

"Such an encouragement" I rolled my eyes.

"You know.... it's strange...  nearly a year ago Luke and I were looking into surrogates to have a baby together - and now.... well... now we get one anyway - and we don't even have to go through all the sleepless nights!" She said teasingly.

"Happy to help" I said with a small laugh.  "But you realize I live here, and you may very well need to be my co-parent, so I wouldn't mouth off too much"

"Only when it doesn't interfere with my beauty sleep" she said.

"Nope.  You wanted a child, you got a grandchild" I said with a satisfied smile. 

"And the best co-parents we'll be.  Unconventional - just like us!" She said.

"Thank you, mom.  I could never do this without you."

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