Chapter 27

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Finn's POV

We pulled up to the bar where we were meeting the rest of the old Yale gang and I could tell that Rory was nervous. She was chewing on her lower lip and her brow was furrowed.

"You okay there, Love? They're not going to bite" I reassured her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm just nervous, I guess. I don't know how they'll take the news; they'd have every right to be upset with me" she whispered.

I reached over and laid my hand on hers, attempting to give her some comfort.

"No they wouldn't, Rory" I told her seriously. "If they're going to be upset with you, they'd need to be upset with me, too. We're both adults, and we both went into that night willingly. Everything will be okay."

"You're right. Let's just get in there and get this over with" she replied with a forced smile.

I got out of the car and walked over to open her door, giving her a brief hug when she got out of the car. "We'll get through this together, just like everything else" I whispered before I released her from my embrace.

She gave me a grateful smile and we walked into the bar together, instantly spotting the table of my friends. I put my hand on the small of her back and led her to the waiting group. They were all wrapped up in their conversations and hadn't seen us approach the table.

"Hello, Mates" I said loudly enough to get their attention.

Their eyes all snapped up to me and instantly moved to Rory. They looked at us for just a moment before the girls all began greeting Rory warmly and Robert began giving me questioning looks. I avoided his gaze and pulled Rory's seat out for her, helping her get comfortable.

"Rory, it's been a while. I didn't realize you were coming with Finn" Seth said after we'd set down.

"Well, Finn invited me along and I thought it would be nice to catch up" she answered evasively just as the waitress came to take our drink orders.

"Just a club soda for me" Rory said to the waitress quietly.

"I'll have the same" I added, and everyone's eyes were instantly on me.

"I'm sorry, did Finn just order a club soda?" Robert asked sarcastically.

"I did" I confirmed. "Seems like a good night to have a clear head; besides, I still have to drive this lovely lady home after we're finished here, and I can't take any chances with not getting her there safely."

Rory shot me a grateful look and smiled at me, and I instantly knew I'd made the right choice in refraining from drinking tonight. I had to take care of Rory and our little ones, and that was far more important than alcohol.

"Alright, we've been patient enough. Where did you disappear to?" Steph demanded.

"About that, Mates. I had gotten a bit of a shock, a wake up call, if you will, and I needed some time to process things. I didn't handle it very well and basically went into hiding until I wrapped my head around it. I apologize for scaring you all" I told them.

I swallowed hard and looked to Rory. She nodded at me and reached over and put her hand on my knee, rubbing it soothingly. I smiled at her briefly and continued.

"This conversation never gets any less awkward. Rory and I went out to dinner Labor Day weekend after she broke it off with Logan - a bit of a cheering up mission, really. I knew she was hurting and wanted to make sure she was okay. All the self-control in the world couldn't save me when she kissed me, and we now have a lifelong souvenir to remind us of that night - two, actually. Rory and I are expecting...she's pregnant, and we just found out today that it's twins... Seems as though we will be welcoming our little ones sometime in May" I finished.

I looked up and saw all of my friends looking at me in shock, even Colin, who already knew our secret.

"You and Rory are having a baby...or two babies, I guess?" Rosemary asked.

"Yes, we're pregnant. We actually just came from her appointment and dinner. We got to see the little ones today, but one wouldn't cooperate so we decided to wait to find out what we're having."

You could still hear a pin drop at that table. Colin finally jumped in and saved us from the awkward silence.

"Well, congratulations to both of you" he told us.

"Thank you, Colin" Rory said with a smile. "It's been a bit of an adjustment for sure, but I think we're both finally excited about this, even though it was quite unexpected."

"So.... I have three very important questions" Stephanie said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"One - are you two together? Two - does Logan know? And three - Colin, did you know about this!? You're acting very calm about this..." she asked, turning to her husband.

"No, we're not together, together. We're just two friends who are trying to figure all of this out together!" Rory was quick to tell her.

"And yes, I already talked to Logan - that was a hard conversation, but I had to take responsibility for what happened. He doesn't know that there are two, now, but he knows that Rory and I are pregnant together" Finn said.

"And Colin?" She asked, turning back to face him.

"I knew - well, about one of them, not that it was twins. But he swore me to secrecy, and you know I couldn't do that to him. I knew how sweet and understanding you are, and that you wouldn't be mad, since you would find out as soon as he was ready to tell you" Colin tried to sweet talk.

"Nice try, buddy boy. One of these days you'll figure it out that the confidentiality rule doesn't apply to wives" she pouted.

"Well, I'm sorry. It was my fault, not his. I really needed someone to vent to, and I wasn't ready to tell anyone else. I was bloody terrified" I promised her.

"Wow, so you actually tied down the world's most eligible bachelor with not one, but two children! How lucky are you!? So what does this mean, surely this wasn't a one-time thing, right? I mean, of course you have feelings for him & want to be together, don't you? I mean who wouldn't!?" Stephanie gushed.

Colin's head snapped up as he heard the words. "Hey!" he said in mock hurt.

"Oh you know you're the only one for me, just like Finn is the only one for Rory - right, Rory!?" She continued.

Rory stammered and couldn't form any words to confirm or deny Stephanie's allegations.

"She doesn't have feelings for me like that, so for now, we're just going to do our best at trying co-parenting. The important thing is it's not about me anymore. Or us. It's about our children, and I'm going to give them one hundred percent - even if Rory and I never have anything more than friendship" I said, trying to divert attention from Rory.

"Oh, that's ridiculous! Of course she's crazy about you! Have you ever met a girl who wasn't? Aren't you, Rory!? Come on, you two are perfect for each other, and it would make things so much easier on you when the babies come if you're with the father! Oh my gosh! I could plan your wedding!" She continued on.

"Uh - I'm - going to run to the bathroom" Rory said, abruptly standing up and rushing off.

"Ooh! I'll come with you! We have so much to talk about!" Steph exclaimed, running after her quickly to catch up.

"What the hell just happened!?" I demanded.

"Well, if I know my wife, and unfortunately I think I do... She's focusing all of her efforts into getting the two of you together..." Colin said.

"Fuck, mate, leash that woman, would ya!?" I exclaimed, suddenly panicking that Steph would ruin everything I've been working towards.

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