Chapter 66

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Rory's POV

"Merry Christmas, baby" I heard whispered to me as soon as my eyes started to open.

I looked up to see Finn smiling at me and snuggled in closer to him. "Merry Christmas" I whispered back.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I love you" he whispered.

I smiled big and kissed him back. "I love you, too" I whispered back.

"You know, if you wanted to spend Christmas with me, all you had to do was say so" he teased, touching his forehead to mine and I laughed.

"I do things differently, I suppose" I said with a laugh.

"That's the damn truth" he teased.

"Do you know what time everyone's supposed to come by today?" I asked him.

"They said ten, they wanted to give you the opportunity to sleep if you needed it" he said.

I looked at the time on my phone and laughed. "It's not even eight yet. I guess it's just you and me for two hours" I said.

"Are you hungry? We could order breakfast" he suggested.

"That does sound good, let's do that" I said, pulling out the menu to have a look.

"You know, for a hospital, the room service food isn't half bad" he said, remembering dinner from last night.

"I know. But I heard the cafeteria food is still awful" I said.

"That's okay, I'd rather eat with you anyway" he said, peering at the menu with me, over my shoulder.

We made our selections and placed our orders, and we were set to wait for approximately forty five minutes, they said, for our food to arrive. Apparently bribing the staff didn't work, they wouldn't guarantee it any sooner. I had to laugh at Finn's attempt, though.

"I thought for sure a twenty-five dollar tip for a $7 tray of food would earn us first delivery" he muttered and the look on his face when I laughed showed that I probably found it way more funny than he did.

"It's fine, I'm not starving or anything. I kind of enjoy having the alone time with you" I told him.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Absolutely! Duh, I've missed you, Finn!" I said with a laugh.

"Well, I've been back for twenty-four hours now, I figured you'd be tired of me by now" he teased.

I just shook my head and smiled. "Absolutely not" I promised him. "So I came across this questionnaire thing on Facebook last night when you were in the shower and I thought it would be fun to do to kill some time."

"Questionnaire? What's it about?" he asked.

"It's supposedly questions you should know about your significant other. Interested?" I asked.

"Sure, I guess. Why not. Are you going to answer them, too?" He asked, as I pulled up the list of questions.

"Sure! Okay, question one: What's something you're glad you'll never have to do again?" I asked.

"Go on another date with some bimbo just trying to get laid. Even if you and I never happen, I respect my kids too much to ever be "that guy" again." He answered. "Your turn" he reminded me.

"Having to go through these last 48 hours without you. It was awful. I just needed you here so badly. Alright, question two: What's one thing you always procrastinate on?" I asked.

"Packing, definitely. I always wait til the very last minute. And buying Christmas presents."

"Oh no! Christmas presents! I don't have anything for you!" I exclaimed.

"We'll talk about that after the quiz. What do you procrastinate the most on?" he asked with a laugh.

"Definitely making decisions - I make lists and check them meticulously because I'm terrified to make the wrong decision... okay, so what would you do with your life if you were suddenly awarded a billion dollars?" I asked.

"Clearly I didn't care so much and blew it on one night stands for a while. But from now on, it would be invested and used to take care of my kids and their beautiful mum." He said.

"I really don't think I would change anything. I've seen what money can do to people, and I love my life just like it is. What should a healthy relationship provide for the people in it?" I asked.

"Well, I've never been in one before now, but I would assume love, trust, support, comfort..."

"I think it should provide security and love. You should be able to trust that person to be completely committed to you. You should take care of each other and care enough to fight when it's hard. Do you believe everything happens for a reason, or do we just find reasons after things happen?" I asked.

"I very much think if things didn't happen for a reason, and if there wasn't someone or something up in the heavens looking out for us, you and I wouldn't be here right now getting ready to be parents to two of the luckiest babies in the world to have us as parents." He said.

"Yeah, I absolutely think everything happens for a reason, too. So okay, is there anything you consider absolutely unforgivable?" I asked.

"Cheating. I've been hard-wired to flirt since I was a tiny tyke - but even me who has never been in a relationship before in my life knows where to draw the line." He said.

"I'd have to say the same. The closest thing to unforgivable for me would be cheating. I know that Logan and I worked through that, but I don't think I could do it again... If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?" I asked.

"Omnia et nihil - anything and everything" he said.

"You just know Latin off the top of your head, huh? Well, for me I think I just did that - it didn't quite work out like I expected, but I'd say the end result was still pretty fabulous. Alright, in your life, what has been the biggest blessing in disguise?" I asked.

"It's not so much in disguise anymore, but most definitely having these children with you has been my biggest blessing and greatest achievement." He said.

"Yeah, these two babies, for sure. I never dreamed of being a mom, but now I can't wait, and they brought us together... If you could pick one year of your life to do-over, which would it be and why?" I asked.

"The year when I first met you in college. I would have asked you out like I wanted to instead of letting Huntz 'have' you first." He said.

"I really don't think I would do anything over, because otherwise I wouldn't be here. Life has been hard at times, but it's all worth it now. What is one behavior that you never tolerate?" I asked.

"Being nasty to my family. Every single member of my family is very important to me. That also extends to my best friends." He said.

I nodded. "Lying and manipulating - I just can't stand it." I said.

Just then there was a knock on the door and someone called "Room service" from the outside of the room.

"Come in!" We called, and they brought in our trays.

"Want to continue our questions later? It's been kind of fun" I asked him.

He nodded as he was getting the table situated for us to eat on. "Sure, baby" he said.

The dietary worker left the room and we began to eat in silence.

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