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"So hot little Meg is summoning the Daeva?" Dean asked.

"Looks like she was using that black alter to control the thing." Sam replied. I thought back to my headache. I saw a blonde girl standing at an alter.

"So, Sammy's got a thing for the bad girl." Dean said.

"And what's the deal with that bowl again?" Dean added.

"She was talking into it. The way witches used to scry into crystal balls or animal entrails. She was communicating with someone." Sam replied.

"With who? With the Daeva?" I asked.

"No, you said those things were savages. No, this was someone different. Someone who's giving her orders. Someone who's comin' to that warehouse." Sam replied.

I looked over at the computer and found the address of the warehouse.

Sam and Dean were talking and not paying attention to me. I grabbed $20 from Deans wallet and opened the door quietly. I shut the door and hailed a taxi. I got into the taxi and drove to the warehouse. I must be really good at sneaking out. I haven't gotten a call from Sam or Dean yet. I walked inside and the first floor was empty. The door to the stairs was locked and the elevator was broken. I opened the doors and there wasn't an elevator so I had to climb the shaft. Eventually I found the floor Meg was at the alter. I climbed in quietly and hid behind some boxes.

"This isn't a game of hide and seek you know." Meg said and turned around. I pulled out my gun but I was flung through the boxes. I slid across the floor and it the wall hard. My gun was knocked out of my hand and was across the room. I felt a stinging pain on my face. Blood started pouring from my face. It stung. Meg walked over to me and picked me up by my throat.

"Silly bitch." She said and tossed me across the room again. I hit another wall and everything went black.

<><><>Dean POV<><><>

Sam and I were talking when I realized Katie hadn't made any sarcastic comments.

"Katie?" I asked. There was no answer. Panic started building in the pit of my stomach.

"Katie!" I yelled. I ran into the bathroom and she wasn't there.

"Katie!" Sam called.

I ran my hands through my hair worriedly.

"Damn it!" I yelled.

"Maybe she went to the warehouse?" Sam suggested.

"How'd she know the address? How would she get there?" I asked. I checked my wallet thinking she stole a couple bucks for a bus. Twenty dollars were missing meaning she must've taken a cab.

"She found the address off of the computer." Sam said.

"She stole twenty bucks from my wallet so she must've taken a cab." I said.

"Let's go." I added and we ran out of the motel room and got into the Impala. I sped down the streets to get to the warehouse. The thought of losing my baby sister made me more nauseous than having too much to drink.

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