Chapter 8: The Park

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"Why were you apol-"  Olive cut me off.

"Jayson had sex with Sandy!"  She said and then covered her mouth.

"Olive"  Jayson screamed, slapping her across the face.  Tears formed in my eyes.

"Don't you ever touch my best friend!"  I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry Hanna."  She whispered as she cried.

"Its fine, are you okay?"  I whispered back.  Ahe nodded and I grabbed her shoulder and walked away with Olive leaving Jayson behind, I couldn't be there anymore.  It felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and Jayson was stomping on it over and over, in front of me.

"Hanna!  Please, I can explain."

"There's nothing to explain Jay, You cheated.  Now, I think it would be good if you left my party."  I said as we stepped into the dark night.  I couldn't keep up my 'I'm okay' facade anymore, so I started crying.  Olive hugged me.

"How did you know?"  I asked her.

"I'll explain later.  I love you."  She said.

"I have to go somewhere.  I'll see you later."  She said after I sat in the same spot for what felt like an eternity.

"Thanks Oli, I appreciate you telling me."  I know it's my own party but I felt like escaping for a while and heading to the park, it's where I feel safe.


It took me 30 minutes to get to the park.  I walked over to the tree me and Mia first met on and I layed my head back and took deep breaths and suddenly I was crying again.

"Why me?  Why me?"  I yelled.

"Hanna?"  A familiar voiced called.  I wiped my face.

"Yeah?"  I looked up and Jayson was standing there.

"Jay?"  He got closer and I could tell he was crying.

"Hanna, I didn't want to do this, but if I can't have you, no one can."  He said and suddenly his fist was on my right temple and I started seeing black dots and I was on the ground and my vision started going away.

"Why Ja-" 

Sophia's POV

Maybe if I walk this park I will find Hanna and I could find out what was wrong with her, she left her party and I want to know why.  I went to the swings, nope.   She has to be somewhere.  I walked until I saw a body by a huge oak tree, lying down so I walked over.

"Hello?"  I said, I wanted to ask if they had seen Hanna.  When they didn't respond, I saw blood, and blonde hair.  My heart immediantly started racing, I took the body in my hands, the body i want to be okay and consicous.  I want Hanna.

"Hanna!"  I screamed.

"Hanna!!  Wake up!!"  I screamed louder, but obviously she couldn't hear me, so I took my phone out and dial the 3 little numbers everyone knows.

"Hello?  What is your 9-1-1 emergency?"  I panicked.

"Hello?"  The Female operator spoke again.

"Help."   Was all I said.

"Send Ambulance, Woodway Creek Park.  My girl, she's bleeding from her right temple."  It took me forever to open my mouth and speak.  I hope she is okay.

"Okay, ambulance is on its way."  I smiled and shut my eyes are tears escaped my brown eyes.

"Thank You!"  I said, throwing my phone to the side and keeping pressure on Hanna's right temple.

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