Chapter 17: Party Time!!

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So apparently, Olive was having a party today, I'll thank her later for letting me know. It's Friday night and my best friend was leaving to France on Sunday, so I decided why not? I stepped into my car as my cell phone rang, I looked at it and it said 'Private Number'.


"Hanna?" A familiar voice whispered through the phone.


"I know who hurt you." My heart suddenly started beating faster and my breath was caught in my throat, I started panicing. How could anyone know? If they knew who, wouldn't they just tell me?

"Who is this?" I could hear heavy breathing and cars in the background, the unknown talker started breathing faster.

"I'm sorry, I... I have to go."

"Wait, who are you." This person can't really do this to me, but then again what do I know about humans doing things to each other when someone hit me on my head causing me to forget precious moments.

"I can't say, goodbye, Hanna." The dial tone came on and I knew that that was either someone who saw it or the person who did it. I couldn't breathe and I didn't feel like going to a party but I had no choice Olive would never forgive me if I didn't go tonight. I felt tears slide down my face. I decided to call Olive. And on the 3rd ring she answered.

"Hello?" I broke down and start bawling.

"Hanna? Is that you? What did Jay do to you now?" She sounded kinda of nervous.

"Can you come over?" There was a silence.

"I...I can't, I'm busy with th...the party stuff." She stuttered over her words and she only does this when she's nervous.

"Oli, are you okay?"

"I'm, uh, fine. Hey, Hanna I kind of have to go."

"Oh, okay." Times like this are when I wished I had a really good friend other than Olive. Who could understand me better then anyone ever could. I closed the phone. I was always there for Olive when she needed me and when I need her the most she can't be here for me because of a party? This is not fair. I screamed and threw my phone across my car to the passenger side and hit my head on my steering wheel. I have to go home and get ready for that stupid party.

When I got home, I figured it was best to get some homework done. After about 3 hours, I finished my homework and should probably start getting ready for Olive and Jayson's party. I get out of the shower and dry myself off, wrapping my petite body in the creme colored towel and walking into my colossal closet.

"Hm, what to wear, what to wear..." I decided to wear a black dress that reaches my mid-thigh and some stiletos. I I brush my hair and put it in a high ponytail because if I leave it down it'll probably be horrible by the end of the night. I grab my cellphone and put it in my bra along with $20, just in case. I walked down the stairs to greet my mother.

"Hana Elizabeth..." My mom says. I turn on my heels and look at her.

"Yes mother?" I said in a fake english accent.

"Don't cop an attitude with me." She smiled.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, just over to Olive and Jason's." She looked me up and down.

"Like that?" I bite my lip nervously.

'Uh." I nervously said trying to figure out an answer.

"Uh, what? Is Olive having a party?" I nodded.

"Fine, but be back by ten."

"Mom, it's Friday, make it twelve , please!" I begged.

"Eleven, we have plans tomorrow."

"What?" I scruntched my face. Plans? Tomorrow?

"Nothing, just go have fun at Olive's party." I shrugged.

I arrived to Olive's house in under 10 minutes, yes we live that close. I got out and there was people already here, and tons. The windows were jumping and people were in the front lawn already puking their guts out and it was only 8. I walked to the front door, walking around people and puke.

"Hey sexy." One guy said, I reconized him from the football team. He placed his hand on my hip and I could almost immediately smell the achohol on his breath and even taste it, it was that strong. He smiled and I pushed him away but he grabbed me tighter.

"Hey! Jake, Let her go! That's Hanna bro!" Jayson came up and I suddenly felt safe. I smiled and ran into Jayson's arms.

"Thank god you're here!" I said into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my tiny waist and rested his chin on my head.

"Olive's in the Kitchen if you want to know where she is." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Thanks." I walked as he held onto my hand, begging for me to come back. I decided not to tell Olive what happened today, obviously it wasn't important before its not important now. I swing the door open and saw Olive chugging down shots, one after another. She raised her arms up in the air and screamed. I ran to her side, grabbed her arm and walked up her stairs into her room.

"Olive, what the fuck where you just doing?" She smiled a drunken smile. Oliver never drinks, never never never, but she did tonight.

"Drinkenmakesmefeelbetter." She slurred in one sentence.

"Why do you need to feel better?" She burped and then whispered something I couldn't hear.

"What?" I brought my ear to her mouth.

"You know when you got hit on the head by some person?" Her words stung me as they poured out her incapacitated mouth.

"Yes, Olive, where are you getting at?"

"Well, haha, I'm the one who punched you in the head, riiiiiight here." She pointed at my right temple. What? How, my bestfriend? She would never, we did everything together, she was my sister. Bestfriends till the end.

My heart started breaking with each word she said and now I can't even look her in the eyes. How could she do something like that.

"What?" She smiled.

"What, how?" I managed to say to her.

"I took a brick and bashed it against your head. Is that clearer?" She got up and walked away, laughing, tripping and falling all at the same time. I stood in the same spot for what felt like a hundred minutes. I was hurt and nothing could make this worst.

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