Chapter 20: Permission

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"Mom, Dad... I've decided to move back to New York." I had been practicing this line in my mirror since my 18th birthday. I'm an official adult, they can't keep me here. I'll go live in an apartment and finish my senior year at home. I liked living here, but I love living in New York. I miss Jayson, and Sophia. This isn't my home, New York is, it's where my friends are at, it's where I grew up. It's where I met Sophia. Did I forget to mention I remembered, I remembered everything about her, from the first moment we met, the way she moved that strand of hair out of my face, to the day we sat at the park and she kissed me under the shelter. The only thing I couldn't remember was Olive hitting me, I could've sworn it was a man, every time I have a nightmare or flashback; it's a man hitting me. I haven't told anyone I remembered and I didn't plan on it either. I know it was wrong but, I can't just change everything. I'm trying to move on in my life, it's not like Sophia would care anymore, she's married, oh gosh, she's married. Just because stupid me couldn't remember her. I'm not going to go back to New York to try and break her and Riley up, I just want to go Home.


"Hanna, wake up! It's time for school!" My mom barged in my door.

"Fine mom, I'm up." She rubbed my temple as I was still laying down.

"Something's up with you. What's wrong, you been tired lately." I shut my eyes tighter.

"Yeah, from schoolwork." She ran her hand through my hair.

"Are you sure? Hanna, are you home sick?" My eyes shot opened and I sat up fast.

"How did you know?"

"I could tell ever since we got here. Hanna, we've been here 2 years, why are you still homesick haven't you got used to being here?" I shook my head and started crying.

"Momma, I miss New York. I miss the crazy cab drivers and the arrogant New Yorkers walking the street and I miss Jayson, Morgan, and Danny. Mom, let me go back, please." She hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder, she didn't even ask me about Olive.

"Hanna, we can't let you go. Our lives are here."

"Mom, I'm 18, it's my senior year please let me end it at my home."

"But Hanna, this is your ho-"

"No, it's not mom. This is a place that I've been living at for 2 years and I still feel like an outcast. I want to go home, I need to go home." I wiped my tears.

"Okay, well let me have a chat with your father." She got up and walked away.

"But get dress Han, you still have school today." Today was my first year of being a senior; well they call it university here. School hasn't started yet over in the United States; they start a month after us. I got up and threw on some dark blue skinnies and a purple crop top. I slipped my navy blue toms on and grabbed my same old messenger bag from 10th grade. I walked down the hallway, because the house we live in now is a one-story house, and into the kitchen.

"Good morning Hanna." My dad said, coming up to me and kissing my forehead.

"Good morning Dad." I said back, I went to the refrigerator and grabbed an Apple.

"I'm heading to school; do you want me to take Jess?" He nodded.

"Yes, Please?" It was her first day of second grade and my parents weren't bringing her. I'm not saying that they are horrible parents, but I can only imagine how Jess feels.

"Jess! Come on, I'm taking you to school! You can ride in the front!" She ran down the stairs in her cute little uniform. Light blue polo with the school logo and a black and light blue plaid skirt. Her 'My little pony' book bag reached the back of her knees as she ran towards me and into my arms.

"I can sit in the front?" She had a huge grin on her face.

"Yes Ma'am." I placed her on the ground and held my hand out and she slipped her tiny hand into mine. I stood there staring at my 7 year old sister and she started walking towards the door, pulling me.

"Let's go sissy! I don't want to be late for school!" I laughed and grabbed my car keys.

"Alright, alright Jessie, calm down." I opened the door and she ran to the front seat.

"Shotgun!" She yelled.

"Shh Jess! It's like 7:30 in the morning." She smiled and hopped in the car when she heard the door unlock. I got in and put the keys in the ignition and turned the radio up. 'Live while were young' by One Direction was on and Jessie started singing and moving her tiny body in her seatbelt to the song.

"Let's get crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun! I know we only met but let's pretend its Love! And never never never stop for anyone! Tonight let's get some and live while were young!" We sang but since Jess doesn't know these big words, her singing was totally opposite and the words were not correct but I ignored it because I was with my little sister and right now that's all that mattered.


"Good morning class. I am Miss. James and I will be your period 8 English teacher for the rest of the year." Miss James was a brunette with brown eyes and a very curvy but small body. She wore her hair up in a bun on top of her head and big black think glasses. She had on tan dress pants and a short but flowy floral pattern shirt on, she was wearing crème colored stilettos and I couldn't believe she could actually walk in them. There was one girl I knew who could walk in them, Sophia. Wow, today would've been the first day I had met her, well not today because there is different time zones and all but, first day of 10th grade I skipped and met a marvelous person, a person who had changed my life.

Sophia's POV

Hands were placed on my waist as I was laying down, asleep on my bed.

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Riley Stones?" I smiled but it was an unquenched feeling. Something was missing and I don't know what. Actually, how could I lie to myself? I knew exactly what it was. It was my girl, my girl. I had been missing her, she made me change my feelings and although I still love Riley and I will always love Riley, I'm in love with Hanna. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Oh Sophia!" She ran up to me and hugged me, like she never had before, like she had lost me and never wanted to lose me again.

"I love you so much, I'm sorry I couldn't remember! I miss you!" I ran my hand through her hair and smiled while tears ran down my cheeks. I placed my lips on her forehead.

"It's okay Hanna, It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I lifted her chin up and looked into her deep sky blue eyes. She had tears all down her face and chin and I placed a finger under her eye and wiped it away.

"I love you Hanna." I smiled.

"I love you to-"

"Sophia! Wake up!" Riley screamed in my ear. Nice dream.

"What Riles?"

"The house is on fire."


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