Awkward (Sami Zayn ♥ Reader)

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Imagine-Having awkward encounters with Sami almost everyday but you guys never do anything about so your friends do. Requested by @Smolbeanlife

"Why is everything so high up, "I pouted as I tried to reach for the weight that was to high up. God being only 5'5 and being a wrestler was hard. But even worst is trying to do things in life. As I was struggling I felt somebody watching me trying to jump up and reach the weight.

"Here, let me help you. "A familiar voice said as they lifted you up high enough to reach the weight. You looked behind you and say a blushing sami holding your waist. You blushed and smiled.

"Thanks, but could you lift me a little higher please? "You asked as you still couldn't quite reach it. He tighten the grip around your waist and he lifted you higher. You felt uncomfortable having his hands this close to your bottom but it was very helpful.

"Your really light. I could maybe try lifting you instead of the weights. " He chuckled as he playfully lifted you up higher and lower. You laughed as you lifted the weight you had grabbed whilst he lifted you.

"Aww to I see a couple of cuties playing around in the gym. Maybe you guys should just kiss. " Enzo's Jersey accent said a little to loudly in the gym. Everybody started making kissing noises and 'ohs' causing Sami to lose focus and drop you. That's when people started saying 'ouch' and gasp.

"Oh my go-, I'm so sorry y/n. Here let me help you up. "Sami gasp as he leaned over to help you up. But cheeky Kevin walked up behind him and pushed Sami on top of you.

"Really Kevin, "Sami yelled as he rolled off of Me. I blushed deeply before looking at sami.But embarrassed as he was he avoided your look. I muttered thank you before getting up and leaving to go find Bayley.

~~Sami's Pov~~
"Way to go Sami, you basically had the girl in your arms. "Kevin complained As he came out from hiding. I glared at kevin before standing up.

"Oh it's my fault you pushed me down, onto the  poor girl? " I hissed as Enzo and Finn came around the corner also.

"Well, ya' did drop her. "They said together looking at me. I rolled my eyes before turning towards Neville. He just shrug before patting me on the back.

"Maybe next time buddy, "he said trying to sound encouraging but it came out as failure.

-Readers Pov-
"Oh my God y/n, And you didn't let him help you up? Well then again Kevin pushed him on top of you so, let's forget that part. But that was cute but awkward. "Bayley said trying to find the positive part in the situation.

"Hey guys,  Did you see y/n and Sami awkward but Cu- " Carmella said but paused when she seen me there. She looked around at Bayley and Becky before stopping mid sentence. "Cute encounter. That Enzo ruined when he seen it. How awkward that had to be for y/n. But it was kinda really cute seeing them actually bonding. "She continued as she tried to make it better also.

"Why don't they just date already. I mean you'd think they be kissing by now. "Sasha said as she  somehow joined the conversation. Everybody nodded as they expect me and Sami to be together.

--Next day--
As I was at catering, after that I tense tag team match-up, Carmellla smirked at me from a distance. I shook my head no I knew what was coming. I quickly grabbed my soda as she yelled.

"Hey Y/n, The floor is Lava. You have 10 seconds starting now. "She screams across the room causing all eyes to go to me. As she was counting down I ran back and forth looking for something or someone to jump on.

"3,2,1!"She screamed but at the last second I manage to jump on somebody. As giggled as I wrapped my legs around their waist as I turned back to yell at Carmella.

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