Baron Corbin Drabble

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Summary - Training with Baron

"Okay, Y/n you're late once again. "Baron grunted looking up from his phone at Me. I shrugged and dropped my bag by the door.

"Oh well, I'm sorry... your the one who wanted to train last night after smack down, instead of resting. So it's your fault I'm late. "I snapped back while looking around.

"Come on it's only 6:30 in the morning. You had plenty of time to sleep. "

"Yeah, And Tell me again who wants to exactly wake up in the morning at 6 o'clock?  Oh of course you can't, your a brainless dimwit. "I muttered back rolling my eyes. I can tell Baron already was done with my attitude by the way he clenched his fist.

"Just get your Ass over Here and Do your damn push-ups. "He yelled, but luckily it was only us this morning.

"Get your Ass over here and do your damn push-ups" I Mocked walking past him. "I heard that Y/n.By the way it's leg day. "He smirked earning a loud groan from me.

As I was finally doing my usual 45 lb bar squats, I realized it was more quite the usual. I looked around to try to see if Baron was nearby.

"Nope, I guess I can just leave. "I thought to myself, walking towards the door. Just as I started walking I saw Baton sitting in a 4' foot box, smiling at me. I groaned and turned on My heel.

"I rather die, than do box jumps. "I whined as he smirked.

"If you can do a box jump, We can gave cheat day tomorrow... My treat. "He offered hoping off the box. I groaned and gave him a sad smile before standing by the box more than half my size.

"Okay, But if I break my spine? "

"I'll take you to the hospital. "

"If I fall and crack my skull open? " I said stating the least likely scenario.

"I'll laugh, then call the ambulance. "

"What if I bream my ankle from missing the jump and falling back on my feet? "

"I laugh again, then yell at you... Then carry you to my car, so I can take you to the hospital. After I text all your friends a hilarious photo. "He teased.

"Honestly I hate you, and I hope you choke and die on that protein shake your day drinking. "I snarled as he laughed at bit.

"You're so cute when you threaten me. Honestly I'd date you if you can control that attitude. "He muttered lowly thinking I couldn't hear. I rolled my eyes and got in position to jump.

"Okay I can do this, I got this, I got this... Okay why do we have to do this... Can't we go back to the hotel and rest. Go sleep instead? "I offered trying my best to get out of leg day. He stop behind me and turned me around so I could face the box.

"No, you're going to do this. I don't care if it takes us 5 hours or even a whole day. "He muttered loudly.

"Fine,jackass. But if I kill myself, it's all your fault. "

"I can live with that. "He replied stepping back waiting for me.

I got down into a squat position and closed my eyes and rocked back and forth on my heels. I took 3 deep breathes than jumped as high as I could. As I landed on something, I almost fell backwards but felt Baron catch me.

"I-I Did it Baron. Look I did it. I really did it. "I said like an excited little kid. He laughed and balanced me properly on the box.

"Great, Now let's skip the 5 foot box and go straight to 6 feet. "He teased in a serious manner. I instantly shook my head no, as he pucked me up and carries me over to the 6 foot box jumps.

"Up,Down,Up,down....Come on y/n. How do you expect to lift the other girls if you can't even lift your own body off the ground. "Baron sighed as he was instructing me on how to properly do Hip thrusts with leg extensions.

I fell to the floor and let out a tired cry wiping the sweat off my forehead. "How on earth are you not breaking a fucking sweat, yet I'm over here drowning in a pool of my own sweat, when we are basically doing the same fucking thing. "I breathed out, as Baron handed me the water bottle.

"Maybe because I drunk that protein shake... Eh I do this more than you do y/n... I'm basically your trainer... Umm I'm use to this. "He sarcastically said stating the obvious.

"Be-"pant"Honest "pant"Baron" I panted out do drinking half the bottle.

"How about eh... No.Now follow me. "He demanded walling off leaving Me on the ground sore and helpless. After about 5 minutes I motivated myself to get up and see what else he was planning on doing the to end me.

I walked slowly halfway across the gym, and spotted Baron standing on a pushing sled and sighed. He has to be kidding me. I didn't have the energy to argue today, and got behind him and slowly pushed the sled(Picture all the way above).

I laid flat out on the ground, refusing to even move a muscle, As Baron Benched pressed. I finally reached my limits after pushing that idiot back and fourth for 30 minutes. I felt his eyes on my back, but didn't have the strength to talk back.

"Hey y/n, Can I be honest with ya'? " He asked with a bit if concern in his voice.

I groaned in response and rolled on my side closing my eyes. He crouched down in front if my aching body and rubbed my hip.

"The only reason you're basically dead right now, is well....I pushed you further than usual so you can see what your capable of. You may not know this but I do, and I trying to prove to you that you have the ability to be a champion but you just needed someone to push you over the edge. But maybe I pushed you to far."He admitted massaging my hip. I smiled weakly at his words and slowly tried to relax, but my body was too strained and tensed.

I felt baron lift me up, and tucked my hair behind my ear. He kissed my forehead softly before whispering "let's go rest, you deserve it champ. "

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