Thirty One

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I was having an amazing dream when I heard a loud bang from the kitchen. I jumped up and saw that Logan must've brought me into my bed. I grabbed the bat I keep under my bed and walked out slowly ready to hit whatever the noise was. I hear footsteps and I walk out my bedroom door to see a shadowed figure, I swung the bat but the person grabbed it with his hands.

I look up to see, "Logan wtf you scared me." I said putting the bat down. "Sorry babe." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and walked back to my room laying in my bed closing my eyes. I feel the bed dip behind me and two pale strong arms wrap around my waist. Logan cuddled his head into the crook of my neck and left little kisses. "That tickles." I said laughing.

I turned and faced him, "What do you want to do today?" I asked putting my arms around his neck. "Well let's start off by getting food cause I'm hungry as shit. Than we'll figure it out." I nodded and got up and got ready. I did what I usually do and I ended up picking out some denim jean shorts and a black hoodie to wear. "I gotta go get ready too babe." Logan said.

I grabbed my phone and we left walking to his apartment. I sat on the lovesac while he did his vlog intro. He was about to run down the stairs when I hear a loud growling like noise. Logan fell to the ground as he got scared. I looked up to see George.

I started laughing like crazy, "paybacks a bitch Logan Paul." I said getting up walking over to them. "Hi George." I said giving him a big hug. "Hi Adriana, I'm glad you two are okay now." He said pulling away from the hug. "Yeah me too." Logan butted in running down the stairs.

I followed him down and sat on his bed while he talked to Maverick. After about 20 minutes of scrolling through Instagram, Logan was ready. I got up and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a quick kiss and I smiled. I heard the door upstairs open and close and looked at Logan. "Bro is that mah boi?" Logan said running up the stairs. I followed closely behind. "Honey I'm home." Mark shouted.

I laughed and hugged him. "Do you guys wanna go out?" He asked. "Yes." I replied, "I'm bored." I said laughing. We left and started walking to god knows where. Logan started talking to his camera, "I made the mistake of wearing this hat #getknacked and it's hot as balls. But I did bring these sexy shades. What do you think of these shades Mark?" He asked. "I don't really like them." He replied. "Wtf, Georgie?" Logan said asking him. He just ducked out of the frame of the camera. "Adriana?" He said looking at me.

I put my finger on my chin and tilted my head sideways thinking about it. "Uhhh, I think they'd look better on me." I replied laughing. He walked up to some random guy, "What so you think of these shades?" He asked. "They're pretty dope." The guy answered. "See Mark, fuck you, he likes my shades." Logan said walking away. "Why am I dating you?" I asked out loud laughing. "Because I look like this duh." He replied.

We walked into the gains bowl place and ordered. Logan took out his camera again, "What's better than one gains bowl? Three gains bowls." He said as they set out food out. I grabbed my and opened it starting to eat it when I heard Logan yell at me.

"Don't eat it yet we have to vlog it." I rolled my eyes and we all put them in the air and spun around in a circle. "Can I eat it now?" I asked impatiently. "Yes you can babe." Logan said putting his arm around me. We walked to another restaurant where George got his food and sat down at a table. "Guys I don't know if I've told you this but the movie I'm shooting I'm leaving Sunday to go to Atlanta." Logan said.

"What? The one you're gonna be gone for a while for?" George asked, Logan shook his head. "How long are you gonna be gone?" I asked him sadly. "A month or so." Logan said. "This might be the last meal we have together for a while. So knuckle touch and you guys wanna like kiss or something?" Logan asked breaking the tension.

I leaned over the table and pecked his lips. He leaned in for more but I put my finger on his lips. "Sorry I have food in my mouth." I said taking another bite. He shook his head and made a pouty face at me. I laughed and we finished our food in a comfortable silence.

We got home and watched a movie and after it was over decided to go workout. When we got there George decided to join us. Logan got out his camera and started vlogging. "Uh problem, this is mine, I was wearing it today." He said pointing at the shirt George took. "But look how good I look." George said laughing. "Doesn't matter, it's my favorite tank it needs to come off now." Logan said taking it off George.

"Sup Adriana." He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, "Don't even try bro I'll beat your ass." Logan said pushing George away from me. I walked away and went to go stretch. As I was stretching Logan came and started vlogging my butt. "Adriana, your ass is fabulous." He sang. I stood up straight and laughed walking off to the treadmill.

I ran about 3 miles and went and did some weighted squats. I did like 40 of them and was done, but Logan kept on going. He later stopped after about 25 minutes and we went home. I kissed him goodbye and we parted ways. I walked into my house and turned on the lights. "Hi Adriana." I looked up scared to see someone I hoped I'd never see again....

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