Sixty One

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Incoming call from Jc Cayley

"Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hey it's Jc, do you wanna come over and film something with us?" He asked. "Depends on what it is." I said slightly laughing. "Things guys don't understand about girls." He said. "Oh yeah sure, what time do you want me to come over?" I asked. "Um whenever is fine, but no later than like 7." He explained. "Okay I'll be there in a couple hours I'm having breakfast with my roommate." I told him. "Okay sounds good bye." He said and hung up.

I finished my last drink of coffee and Matt did the same, we threw our cups away and walked home talking about random things. Once we got inside I was greeted by Max and I gave him a treat for not peeing in the house. "I'm gonna go get ready to film with Kian and Jc." I told Matt. He nodded and sat on the couch turning on the tv.

I hopped into the shower and washed my hair and body, I got out and put a towel on my hair and body and walked to my dresser picking out some ripped black jeans and a cropped hoodie with my last name and birth year on it. I let Max in my room and headed to my bathroom, I took the towel off my hair and blow dried it and curled it. I applied my makeup, which just consists of mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. I sprayed on some perfume and put on my white converse.

I called Jc and asked him if I could bring Max and he said yeah. I grabbed Max's leash and headed over to Logans since I hadn't seen him all day. "Hey babe." I yelled out as I walked in the door, no response.

"Hello?" I called out again. Max started barking and I turned around to see someone in a Donald Trump mask. I screamed and fell on my butt and Max kept barking. "Wtf Logan." I said getting up. He took off the mask and talked to the vlog about me always falling when I get scared. "I'm sorry babe, do you forgive me?" He asked.

I turned away crossing my arms pretending to be mad. He grabbed my butt and I let out a small squeal, "you can't stay mad at me forever." He said getting closer to me. "You're right." I said kissing him. He pulled away and laughed, "Hows our son?" He asked picking up Max. "Well he has separation anxiety, and I taught him not to poop on my floor when we leave him home." I told him. He laughed, "I'm gonna go film with Kian and Jc so I have to go, I'll see you later." I said hugging him. "I love you." I added. "I love you too." He said as I left.

I drove to Kian and Jc's apartment complex and knocked on the door. Kian answered and hugged me, "Welcome." He said leading me to the couch. Jc came out of his room with the vlog camera, "Um I have news for you Adriana." He said. "Oh god what?" I asked petting Max. "First of all cute dog, second of all we're not doing the video you thought we were. We are doing a Carolina Reaper video." He said.

My mouth dropped, "No way in hell, nope sorry." I said getting up. He grabbed my arm, "I'll let you pick the next video and the punishment for the loser." He said. I smiled mischievously, "Okay I'm in." I said. He brought me over to a table with a couple other people who I later found out were Franny, and Bobby.

"3, 2, 1" Jc said and we all took a bite. "Holy fucking shit!" I screamed out jumping up and down. "Why did I agree to this?" I yelled. Bobby started tearing up and Franny started running around the apartment yelling. Bobby ended up drinking the milk first. "Girls rule!" Franny and I yelled. I went in the freezer and got some ice cream and started eating it. "I hate you for making me do this." I said to Jc. "We're gonna do it to some other people too they're on their way over." He said laughing.

I looked into the camera, "Do not. Try this. At home." And Jc laughed. The doorbell rang and I opened it and saw two tall guys and one short one. "Welcome to hell come on in." I said and they laughed. I laid down on the couch and watched them film. About 10 minutes after they ate it the short guy grabbed the ice cream out of my hands and stuck his mouth in it. "Hey, I was eating that." I said pouting.

"I'll buy your more!" He yelled. "Wait why is my mouth bleeding?!" He screamed from the bathroom. Than the tall guy with the short hair ate another one and the other tall guy with long hair followed along.

"What is wrong with you two?!" I yelled. They laughed, "I want money." One yelled. I laughed and one of them sat down by me.

"Hey I'm Vitaly." The one with long hair said. "I'm Adriana." I said. "You're really pretty and I'm a photographer we should do a photoshoot." He said drooling. "Thank you but I'll talk to you when you're in a better state." I said laughing. He nodded laying down groaning. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He shook his head no and clenched his stomach, "My stomach hurts so bad." He said running to the toilet. I heard him throw up, and groan again. I walked in there and sat down beside him rubbing his back.

"Jc!" I yelled out he came in with the camera and saw Vitaly throwing up and groaning in pain. "My stomach is legit on fire I'm not okay." He said laying his head on my lap.

I rubbed his back and Jc called 911. Two firemen came in and explained to him that it was a digestive process and that he was just going to have to deal with the pain until it's done and over with.

I told Kian to get him some water and I just let him lay there in pain. I felt so bad for him but I had no idea what to do, so I just talked to him about whatever. "What's your favorite season?" I asked him. "Winter I can take the best pictures." He said and we continued talking for about 2 hours.

He sat up and leaned against the wall, "I think I'm okay now." He said. "Okay, do you need a ride home?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. "Okay lets go." I said helping him up. I grabbed Max and we headed to my car, I plugged in the aux cord and handed my phone to Vitaly. He played a couple songs and we jammed out as he told me directions to his house. Once we got there he looked at me, "I had a lot of fun." He said.

He started leaning in but I backed away, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." I said backing away. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know otherwise I wouldn't have done that." He explained. "It's fine, friends?" I said holding my hand out. "Friends." He said shaking my hand. He got out and went inside and I drove home. Once I got inside, I heard moaning. "Oh god." I cringed as I figured it was Matt and some girl. I went into my room and took off my makeup and changed into pajamas and put in headphones as I scrolled through my social media and ended up falling asleep.

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