One Hundred Four

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Today's my collab with Sam and Colby. I took a shower and curled my hair putting on the usual makeup. I put on some white high waisted shorts and a light pinkish nude color cropped hoodie with white nike's.

I packed some extra clothes in a bag along with water and food. You already know foods first. I put on some perfume and sunglasses and walked down to Logan's. "Good morning babe." I said walking in the door. He wasn't upstairs so I went downstairs and before I could even ask if his wiener was out I saw it was. "You know I was just about to ask." I said laughing. "Hey babe." He said kissing me. "I'm filming today with Sam and Colby and their friends, and it's an overnight challenge so I won't be home tonight." I explained.

He nodded his head, "okay. just why so many guys?" He asked. "I-I don't know. It's always been hard for me to make girl friends, I was a huge tomboy. And I don't know, when I have girl friends they don't like me. Why do you ask?" I questioned sitting on his bed. "Just wondering." He said walking away.

I grabbed his arm, "You know I love you right? It's been a rough relationship but we always pull through. Wanna know why? Because I love you." I said. He smiled and kissed me once again, "I love you too Adriana." He said picking me up dropping me on his bed crawling on top of me. After 10 seconds I pulled away from the kiss for air. "As much as I'd love too, I have to go." I said pecking his lips once more before pushing him off me walking away.

As I was walking he smacked my ass, I turned around and looked him up and down jumping on top of him continuing our make out session. "I've got a little time to waste." I said taking his shirt off.

- - -

"So today we're here with our friend Adriana, and we're doing one of the dummest things we've probably ever done. We're staying overnight in a mall that's been abandon since 1999, that we're pretty sure 25 people have been murdered in." Colby explained to the camera. "Haha sounds fun!" I said sarcastically. "Okay let's go." He said grabbing the camera.

I climbed up to a hole in the side of the mall. "Brave soldier going first." Sam said pointing the camera at me. "Does my butt look good?" I asked laughing. "I don't want my ass beat by Logan Paul so I'm not answering that." He said laughing. "Okay where are we sleeping?" Colby asked. "Um no idea, let's explore." We walked around for 10 minutes and I heard a loud bang so I turned around and screamed.

I saw Colby laughing, "Asshole." I murmured. He continued laughing and we heard a scream which made him jump. "Good one Sam." I said laughing.

"Wanna play football?" Colby asked. "Sure, yeah I know how to play don't be sexist." I said. He put his hands up in defense and I laughed. We played for around 15 minutes before I tripped and fell cutting my head on something.

I laid down and put my hand over my head and Sam and Colby kept asking me if I was okay. "Yeah I'm fine." I said seeing all the blood. My eyes widened, "Shit." I said. "Here, I have first aid in my bag." Colby said. "Come here." He said. He pulled out bandages and anti bacterial cream.

He grabbed my face and started applying everything. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." He answered. "Shit guys there's like 10 cops posted at where we came in." I heard Sam say. "Crap, what do we do?" I asked panicking. "We should just walk out and say we were just filming and we didn't know." Colby explained. "I have an idea. I'll pretend to faint and than you can just say, she hit her head we were just about to leave or something." I said laughing. "Okay okay, leave your bags here and we'll come get them tomorrow or something." Sam suggested.

We walked out and climbed down the hole and the cops pointed guns at us. We all put our hands up and Colby started to explain everything and I pretended to faint. "What's wrong with her?!" The cop yelled. "She hit her head in there I don't know." Colby said. "Okay hold on." I felt people pick me up and put me in a car.

I peeked my eyes open and saw I was in Colby's car with a police escort. "Should I stay wink wink unconscious?" I asked laughing. "Yeah. This is fun." He laughed. We got to the hospital and they put me on a stretcher and brought me to a room and put an iv in me. After they left they told Colby to call if we needed anything. I opened my eyes and took the iv out. "Okay just tell them I'm okay, and we have to catch a flight." I told Colby and he did it.

I got up and put my shoes on and grabbed my phone walking out with Sam and Colby. "Okay we gotta do another video since this one didn't end well." I said laughing. "Yeah we do. Should I bring you home or do you wanna stay at our house?" Colby asked. "I can just stay with you guys since I already told everyone I was going to be gone." I answered. "Okay sounds good." He said. He drove home and parked in the driveway. We walked in and I was greeted by two dogs. "Awhh." I said petting them while they licked my face. "Hey Elton we're home." Sam yelled.

"This is Adriana, she's gonna stay with us since our video was a flop." Sam explained. "Hi, nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand. "What did you do to your head?" He asked. "Oh I fell while filming." I said looking down at my feet. "Ohhh." He said. "Well we're gonna go watch a movie." Colby said leading me over to the couch. I sat down, "What would you like to watch?" He asked. "Something funny." I said crossing my legs. He picked out Neighbors and I laughed, "I love this movie." I said. "Me too!" He said. "Do you want something to wear?" Colby asked.

"That'd be nice." I said. "Okay follow me." He said walking upstairs with me following him. "Here's some sweatpants and a hoodie." He handed them to me. "Thank you, where's your bathroom?" I asked. "Walk out of my room and it's the first door on your right." He said. "Okay." He said. I walked into the bathroom locking the door and changing my clothes.

I washed my face and than walked out running into someone. "Sorry." I said looking up at a guy with a man bun. "It's fine, who are you?" He asked. "I did a collab with Sam and Colby today and it kind of flopped." I said pointing to my head. "Oh gotcha, I'm Corey." He said. "Adriana." I said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'll see you around." He said.

I walked out of the bathroom into Colby's room throwing my other clothes on a chair. "Wow you look cute." Colby said instantly regretting it. "Sorry I forgot you had a boyfriend." He said messing with his hair. "It's okay." I said. He started walking downstairs and I followed going back to our movie. I went into the kitchen to get food and I made some popcorn and got bottles of water. "Thank you." He said laughing. We got about halfway through the movie and I ended up falling asleep.

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