One Hundred

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"Hey babe, I'm gonna be mayor of Louisiana for a day, do you wanna come with me?" Logan asked.

"Oh good lord, when?" I asked laughing. "Today." He said. "Well thanks for telling me in advance." I said. "But yeah I'll go." I said getting out of bed. "I'll be over in 30 minutes." I said. "Okay love you bye." Logan said and hung up.

I got out my suitcase and started packing the essentials. Except my makeup. I hopped in the shower, washed my hair and shaved my legs.

I got out and dried my hair and straightened it putting on some mascara than putting my makeup in my bag. I got out some light pink jeans and a white hoodie, of course paired with my white converse. I sprayed some perfume on myself and zipped up my bags and walked down to Logan's. I walked in and saw Mark eating at the counter. "Hey Mark." I said giving him a side hug. "Hey shortie." He said taking another bite of eggs. "You going with Logan?" He asked. "Yeah, kind of last minute but we haven't really been able to hang out lately, we aren't shooting this weekend." I explained.

He nodded his head and I walked downstairs to Logan's room. "Hey is your dick out?" I said walking in. "You wish it was." He said from the bathroom. I walked up to him and gave him a peck on the lips and hug. He continued shaving his face while I went and sat on his bed going through my Instagram comments.

About 10 minutes later I brought up the garage situation. "Hey babe, so are you ever gonna tell me why you were drunk off your ass?" I asked sitting on the bathroom sink. "I- well when we were fighting my uncle died, and I went to his funeral and it all just kind of hit me that day I guess." He said fixing his hair. "Oh, I'm sorry Logie bear." I said hugging him again. "I need to figure out an ugly nickname for you." He said laughing.

He walked out and started packing his bags and I realized I didn't tell Matt I was leaving. "Oh gosh, I'll be back I forgot to tell Matt I was leaving." I said running to my apartment. "Matt?" I called out and walked into his room and Dylan was sleeping on the floor and I tripped over him. "Oh shit sorry." I said laughing. He groaned and rubbed his eyes covering his face with the blanket. "Hey Matt, I'm going with Logan to Louisiana for a couple days." I said shaking him awake. "Okay bye." I bent down and hugged him. "Goodbye Lil' Dyl pickle." I said closing the door. I walked back to Logan's and he was ready to leave. I grabbed my bags and said goodbye to Mark while we got into an uber.

On the way we talked about random stuff and than once we got there we walked to our gate. Some fans came up to us wanting pictures and to be in the vlog while I awkwardly stood there. "Hey can I get a picture with you?" A little girl asked. "Absolutely." I said smiling, I grabbed her phone and took a selfie of us and she hugged me and said thank you. That made me really happy. "Goodbye guys we gotta go." Logan said to the fans grabbing my arm walking us to the plane.

- - -

"AYEOOO GOODMORNING LOGANG WHATS POPPIN'?" I heard Logan scream making me jump. "Logan it's like *checks time on phone* 7 fucking am." I said covering my face with the hotel blanket.

"Anyway life is good right now, tomorrow for T shirt Tuesday we got the savage gear dropping look at this, look at it bro! Babe! She needs merch." Logan said. I heard him shuffling around and throw something at me. I threw the covers over me to see what he threw at me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the hoodie. I tiredly put it on and Logan laughed at me and talked to the camera. "She doesn't like mornings." He said. "I like it when you wear hoodies, you look cuddly." I said groggily.

He turned the camera off and came and laid down next to me cuddling me. I kissed his forehead and there was a knock at the door. "Bennett. Hey Bennett. See the camera Bennett?" Logan said to him. I got up and went into the bathroom peeing and Logan walked in. "You better not be recording me peeing." I said looking up at him and he put the camera to his face. "Caught me." He said.

I finished my business and than washed my face and put my hair up into a ponytail and putting on mascara. I went out to my suitcase and put on some shorts and a T shirt. I took my hair out of the ponytail and messed it up and little bit and called it good. I put on my shoes and hopped in the van with the crew. I looked over Logan's shoulder and watched some of the edits of Help Me Help You.

Once we got there Logan started vlogging. "There's so many people here this is actually becoming a thing. I didn't think that was gonna happen." He went around vlogging all the cars for the parade and I saw a goat. "Logan! There's a goat!" I yelled across the parking lot. He ran over and I pet the goat.

"Wanna feed him?" The owner asked. "Do I wanna feed him? Yes! I love goats." I said grabbing the food with his hand. "We have a marching band?" Logan asked walking over to them. I followed him and than he saw the Louisiana Tech cheerleaders and football players and went to talk to them. "Yo I found them like this." He said. "Who's shoulders can I get on?" He asked. And seconds later I feel a head between my legs lifting me off the ground. I looked at Logan and widened my eyes mouthing 'What the fuck' and he laughed at me.

We kept walking and I found a cute Pomeranian puppy. "Can I hold it?" I asked. I grabbed it and it started licking my face and Logan yelled at me to come over and see the clown. "I'm busy!" I yelled back. He came over and started going insane. He took the dog from my arms. "Adriana hold this." He said hanging me the vlog camera. "Awh I'm in love omg. I can't finish this episode." He said sitting down with the dog. "Logan come on." Bennett said to him.

"Okay fine, goodbye doggie." He said. He finished the parade in a car with the pageant queens handing out pizzas while I rode with Bennett in the van. Once it was done Logan went into a small store. I got out of the van and went in there too seeing him soaking wet with sweat. "Logan ew." I said laughing. "You want a hug?" He asked walking towards me. I fake gagged and ran out of the door.

Logan did he speech and than he saw the dog again. "I need this dog. How much for the dog?" He asked. "25." The man said. "2,500 dollars." Logan repeated obviously thinking about it. "Okay deal." He said shaking his hand. "Logan quick sidebar." I said backing up and he followed. "Wayyyyy overpriced.." I whispered to the camera.

Logan laughed and we went to the guys house to get his stuff. "Okay I have one more shot and than we're going back to the hotel. Hold my dog babe." He said walking off. Everyone swarmed me to pet the dog and crowds have always made me nervous but I dealt with it. "Okay lets go back to the hotel." Logan said putting his arm around me.

We got in and I took off my shorts and shirt and got ready to change. I saw the flash go off, "Logan, don't post that anywhere." I whined. "I won't promise." He laughed. I put on one of his hoodies and hopped in bed with him and the new puppy. "Goodnight love you." I said giving him a kiss. "Goodnight babe."

Instagram *logan paul*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora