Eighty Four

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I sat in bed thinking. Like deep thoughts and I kept finding myself thinking about Logan, as much as I didn't want to. I really like Adym, but he's not Logan which I feel bad saying but it's true. I got on instagram and started scrolling and saw that Chloe posted a screenshot of her facetime call with Logan which just ruined my mood even more.

I threw my phone across the room and got Max's leash and put on my shoes and walked down Hollywood Blvd. As I was walking a tall guy came up to me, "Hey um I'm Brendan, do you know where the 1600 Vine apartments are?" He asked. "Yeah I live their actually, I'll take you there." I said.

He thanked me and followed behind me. "Who are you here to see?" I asked. "I just texted him I'm here, oh there he is now." I turned around....Logan. I held in my tears are best I could. "Nice meeting you Brendan, bye." I said walking off. He grabbed my arm, "Hey can I get your number? I need new friends in LA." He said. "Yeah give me your phone." I said. "Okay there, I gotta go nice meeting you." I said walking off to my apartment. "Alissa!" I yelled out.

"Yeah?" She said coming out of my room. "When do I need to go over to the Team 10 house?" I asked. "Whenever." She said sitting on the couch. "Okay I'll probably go right now because I'm hanging out with Adym later." I said. "Okay I'll watch Max." She said. "Okay I'll call you when it's all in the moving truck and you can meet me at the storage unit." I said grabbing my keys. I walked down to my car and drove over there, I parked on the street and walked up to the door ringing the doorbell.

Tessa opened it, "I'm here to get Alissa's things." I said. "She's that scared she can't come here herself to get them?" She asked crossing her arms. "Well if I knew you were here I wouldn't have came either." I said slightly pushing her out of the way letting myself in. I walked up to her old room to see everything was mainly gone, I put the last of her shoes and clothes in boxes and brought them downstairs to the moving truck.

The guys carried her bed and stuff and I went up to check and see if everything was packed. "What are you doing here?" I heard a voice. It was Jake. "What does it look like Jake?" I said grabbing my purse.

"Hold on talk to me." He said grabbing my shoulder. "Why should I?! You and your brother are cheaters and I don't wanna be associated with you guys. I don't understand how you're that immature that when Alissa gives you what you deserve you kick her out." I yelled. "Move out of my way." I said. "No, she cheated on me too!" He yelled back. "You weren't dating how do you cheat on someone you aren't dating?!" I yelled. "Me and Logan were dating, in love actually, than he kissed Chloe, that's cheating, not whatever the hell happened with Alissa. Move. Now!" I said glaring into his eyes.

He moved out of the way and I went downstairs. "Hey Adriana." Kade said. "Hi." I said with tears in my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I've been cheated on, not been the best week." I said.

He hugged me, "I'm sorry, don't tell anyone I said this but we all side with Alissa but if we told Jake he would kick us out." He whispered. I looked up at him, "A contract is more important than your friends? Kade I'm so disappointed in you." I said stepping away from him. "No that's not it, I-I have to do something." He said.

Before I knew it he kissed me, and I kissed back but instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry Kade." I said leaving. I called Alissa and told her too meet me at the storage unit. She came with Max and he jumped out and I petted him saying hi. "Um Alissa? Kade um, he-" She interrupted me, "He what?! I'll kill him." She said. "He kissed me." I said. "Did you kiss back?!" She asked. "Yeah but I just thought about Logan." I said looking down at my feet. "Adriana, he was your true love you guys are meant to be. You'll get back together." She said. "I- I don't wanna talk about this. Let's just finish this I wanna take a nap." We worked our asses off getting her stuff in their and than Max ran off. "Max come back." I yelled chasing after him, before I could get to him he ran into the street. "No Max!" I screamed as a car hit him.

I ran into the street as the car stopped getting out. "Is he okay?! He just ran in front of my car." Some lady said. "No he's not fucking okay." I said crying. "Max?!" I said shaking him slightly. He didn't move, "Max." I said putting my head on his chest still crying. "Adriana!" I heard Alissa yell. "He's gone Alissa." I said hugging her.

She got our her phone, and dialed 911 and they came and got Max. I was still crying and I called Adym, "Um Max got hit by a car." I said. "Oh baby I'm so sorry, do you want me to come pick you up?" He asked. "No it's okay, my day has been so bad I'm just going to go home. I'll call you tomorrow." I said. "Love you." He said. "Bye." I said. I didn't want to say I love you back because I wasn't sure about how I felt.

We took him and buried him under a nice tree in his favorite park. Alissa and I got into my car and drove home. "I'm going to go visit Amanda." She said. "Okay I'll see you later." I said. I started crying again and I turned the corner and ran into someone. I looked up and saw Logan. "Why are you crying?" He asked me. "Nothing I'm fine." I said starting to walk off.

He grabbed my hand and hugged me, and I hugged back. "I know when you're not okay." He said. "Max got hit by a car." I said bursting into tears. "Oh, babe I'm so sorry." He said. I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. "I mis-" He started by I smashed my lips onto his. He kissed back as I pushed him against the wall. "I knew it!" I heard Alissa yell.

We pulled away, and looked down awkwardly. "Um I got to go." Logan said walking off. "I told you." Alissa said. I smiled and unlocked the apartment door and sat my purse down. "Goodnight Alissa." I said hugging her. I got into the shower, I've had such mixed feelings about today. Ugh, what am I gonna tell Adym.

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