Fifty Eight

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face, I rubbed my eyes and sat up looking around. Alissa and Tessa were both on the floor, I stretched and threw pillows at both of them. "Why are you guys on the floor?" I asked with a raspy voice. "You're a fucking bed hog Adriana." Alissa said covering her face with her blanket.

I took a picture of both of them and posted it on snapchat with the caption 'i guess imma bed hog.' I got up and went pee and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went back out and Alissa and Tessa took over the bed, I laughed and sat down on the edge turning on tv. I went to a drama channel or something I found, "social media star Adriana has been accused of cheating on her boyfriend Logan Paul, actor/influencer. Here is a video of the star flirting with a man working at the hotel Adriana, Tessa Brooks, and Alissa Violet stayed at."

They showed pictures of the perv touching my arm, and smiling at me. "Tessa! Alissa! Wake up." They woke up and I pointed at the tv as they looked their eyes widened. I grabbed my phone and ran out of the door calling Logan. No answer. I called another 3 times but nothing.

I mentally screamed and went back into the room packing up my stuff, I threw my shoes on and zipped my bag. "I'll call you guys later but I gotta sort this out with Logan. God I try to get away from drama but it keeps finding me. Alissa will you send me the video you took of me and the perv so I can show Logan?" I asked. "Yeah definitely." She said. I hugged them both goodbye and called an uber, about 10 minutes later I got into the uber and was on my way to Logans.

I waited for the elevator and ran to his apartment, I walked in and was immediately picked up by Jake and taken out of the door. "Put me down Jake." I said punching his back. "No, you've really hurt him." He said closing the door behind him. "Jake, I have proof I didn't do anything. Watch this video, Alissa took it after he started flirting with me." I said showing him the video Alissa sent me. "I didn't cheat, I'm not like that. I know what it's like to be cheated on and it sucks I wouldn't put anyone through that." I explained.

He watched the video and nodded his head opening the door. "Hey by the way you're really hurting Alissa." I said walking away and down to Logan's room. I opened the door to see him laying in bed crying. I started tearing up, "Logan, I didn't cheat on you I swear on my life." I said walking over to him. He pushed me away slightly, "Yeah I'm just suppose to take your word for it?" He said angrily. "Yeah because I would never cheat on you, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You've made me so happy after what I went through and no one has been able to do that. I know what it's like to be cheated on so I would never do that. But if you need more proof here's a video Alissa took." I said handing him my phone.

He watched it and I could see his eyes light up, he laughed. "That's my girl." He said hugging me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and I pulled back kissing him. I got down and he grabbed my face kissing me again, it got more heated and he pushed me against the wall. He walked over to the door and locked it dragging me into his bathroom, he sat me on the counter and we kept making out. My fingers twisted up in his hair while his hands explored my body, I took of his shirt and he took off mine. I got down off the counter and turned on the shower, we both stripped down and you can only imagine the rest.


"Babe I'm going home to change and stuff I'll be back." I said opening his door. "I love you." He yelled, "I love you too." I yelled back closing the door. I walked back to my apartment and unlocked the door to be greeted by Max. "Hey baby, were you good for uncle Matt?" I asked petting him. "No he was not, he whined all night cause you weren't here." Matt said rubbing his eyes.

I got up and hugged Matt. "I'm sorry, thank you for watching him. Did you see the drama channel?" I asked him sitting on the couch. "No why?" He asked. "They accused me of cheating on Logan. No matter how much I try to stay out of drama it doesn't work. I really hate all the attention." I said groaning.

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