One Hundred Sixteen

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"Hey babe, I'm coming over." I said into the phone.

"Okay, knock when you get here I'm gonna blindfold you." Logan said laughing. "Why do I feel like that's a trap?" I asked laughing. "It's not I promise, but only because it's out 6 months, otherwise it would be a trap." He said. "Good to know." I said. "Okay I'm here." I said hanging up knocking on the door.

Logan opened it with a shirt in his hand and tied it around my eyes. "Well hello to you too." I laughed. He kissed my lips, "Hi babe." He said grabbing my waist. He lead me somewhere and than a door opened. I walked out and it got cold, "Are we on the terrace?" I asked. "Yeah okay ready? 1...2...3" He said taking off my blindfold. "Awe Logan this is so cute." I said. It was a mattress set out with pillows and christmas lights above it and his laptop set up on a chair. "Thank you." I said kissing him. "Oh wait! My gift for you is in my apartment." I said smacking my forehead. "It's okay get it tomorrow." I said hugging me.

We went and laid down in the fort covering ourselves with blankets since it was kinda cold. I cuddled into him and he started the show. Stranger Things. "Oou yay I haven't seen this yet." I said. We watched all of season 1 and decided to take a pee break.

We went inside and I went downstairs into the bathroom, I washed my hands and walked out to Logan standing outside the door. "Can I borrow clothes?" I asked. He nodded and went into the bathroom. I made my way over to his dresser and got out a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie. Of course they were both wayyyyy to big. I sat on his bed and waited for him to come out 10 minutes later.

"Sorry I had to poop." He said and I laughed. He got out his phone and took a snapchat of me while I wasn't looking.

 He got out his phone and took a snapchat of me while I wasn't looking

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whatta cutie
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"Logan I look like a potato." I said laughing. "Well you're my potato." He said picking me up carrying me back outside. We started season 2 of stranger things and I saw Dacre. I took out my phone and sent him a snapchat of him captioned 'man you're an asshole in this lol' I put my phone on do not disturb and than put it next to me, today was me and Logan's day.

About 4 episodes later Logan ended up falling asleep, and than I laid my head on his arm and fell asleep too. After I don't know how long Mark woke us up with the megaphone. Logan jumped up and swung hitting me in the head. "Ow." I laughed. He grabbed my head and kissed it than hugged me, "I'm so sorry." He said. "It's fine." I laughed. He nodded his head, "Oou I have an idea, wanna bake Christmas cookies?" He asked. "What kind of question is that of course I do." I said getting up. I shivered slightly grabbing the laptop and bringing it inside. I looked up a recipe and than made a list and went to the store getting everything. "Hey can I get a picture with you guys?" Some little girl asked. "Of course." I said smiling. I put my arm around her squatting down slightly and smiled at the camera. "I love you guys thank you." She said excitedly and ran off.

"Okay guys were here at the store getting stuff to make Christmas cookies." Logan said to the vlog. We got the things we needed, hot chocolate and a bunch of random snacks. While we were checking out someone came up behind me and hit me with their cart, "Yo what the f- Tessa?" I asked. "Oh shit sorry, hi how are you?" She asked hugging me. I hugged her back, "Um pretty good how about you?" I asked.

"Not very good, can I text you? I've missed you." She said pleadingly. "Yeah, I'm sorry about everything that went down, Alissa's not mad at you either. We just were mad at everyone you know?" I said. "Yeah I get it, but I'll see you later." She said walking off.

I looked at Logan and shrugged my shoulders. We paid and went and got back into the car. "Let's make the pizza first and than we can bake the cookies." I suggested. "Okay." Logan said putting the pizza in the oven. 10 minutes later, "Logan the pizzas burning!" I yelled into the living room.

He came running in with his camera, "Hold this." He said giving me the camera. He went into the hall closet and came back with a fire extinguisher. "No Logan!" I yelled and he pressed the button spraying stuff everywhere. I put my hand on my forehead, and rolled my eyes, "I- you're so extra." I said walking away. "Hey babe come back we didn't make cookies." He said. "Oh yeah." I said getting up. "By the way where's Kong?" I asked laughing. "With Ayala." He said getting into the cabinet getting out a bottle of vodka. "Oh good lord." I said.

He set up the vlog camera and we started baking. "Okay start off with a shot Logan said. We both took one and I coughed taking a drink of coke. "I'm already drunk." I said jokingly. He laughed, "Okay let's do a Q&A. What's my favorite animal?" He asked. "Bird. What's my biggest fear?" I asked.

"Sharks and car accidents. What is my favorite color?" He asked. "Uh blue?" I said questioningly. "Nope green." He said. "Take a shot." He said handing me the bottle. I took the shot and asked him another question. "What is my favorite food?" He answered, "Pizza." "Wrong, it's quesadillas." I said.

About 5 shots later we were so out of it. "I'm just gonna pour a little bit of this in the cookies." I said dumping the vodka in the batter. I ended up laughing so hard I cried and than we put the cookies in the oven and laid down on his bed waiting for them. "Hello? Anyone home?" I heard a voice ask.

"Oou who's that?" I asked running to the door. "Brendennn it's so nice to seeee youu." I said hugging him. "What smells like it's burning?" He asked. My eyes widened, "No! My cookies!" I said running into the kitchen. "No let me do it I don't want you to burn yourself." Brednen said. "Okay daddy." I giggled touching his arm. Than someone else walked into the house.

I heard Kong barking, "My baby." I said grabbing him and hugging him. "I love you." I said tearing up. "Who are you?" I asked the girl who brought Kong in. "Ayala, Logan's assistant." She said. "Oh yeah. Hi I'm Adriana. You're so tiny." I said hugging her and kissing her cheek and patted it after. I went and laid on the couch with Kong and passed out in .2 seconds. "Babe, come to bed." Logan said.

I held out my arms so he would carry me. He carried me into bed and took of my socks. "Thank you, I love you." I said. "Goodnight." I said passing out once again.

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