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A/N What's this? Another update?
This chapter is a little different, I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Short little vid that goes with this chapter up ^^ there!


i do not want to have you
to fill the empty parts of me
i want to be full on my own
i want to be so complete 
i could light a whole city

and then
i want to have you

cause the two of us combined
could set it on fire

- Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey. 


...Three months earlier...

Bellamy was terrified.

It wasn't often that he would willingly admit to the feeling, but in the current situation he felt it was necessary. Nothing else could describe the soul crushing fear that squeezed his chest tighter and tighter with every single breath he took.

He hated the way Brinley had cried out with each step as he'd carried her through the corridors towards the room that was already filled with so much pain and destruction. He'd hated the whispers that followed their hasty entrance, hated that he could hear Octavia's panicked cries from across the room, and most of all he hated the way people were looking at Brinley – as though she were already gone.

'Put her down Bellamy – carefully!' Clarke looked as worried as he felt.

No matter how hard Bellamy tried, there wasn't a way to put Brinley on the table without causing her some level of pain, and when he looked down at her as though to apologise, she was already staring up at him with half shut eyes.

'It's okay.' The words were quiet and slightly slurred but it was the push Bellamy needed to do what Clarke had instructed.

That didn't mean her pain filled cry didn't pierce through him like a blade.

Marcus Kane was hovering around Clarke, looking pale and worried, his eyes darting from Brinley to Bellamy and back again, as though he wasn't sure what to focus on.

Bellamy felt a gentle touch brush across his hand and when he looked down he found Brinley reaching for him, even in her half conscious state. Bellamy gripped her hand tightly, squeezing it reassuringly.

Bellamy looked up, spotting Octavia's tear stained face. His heart broke for his little sister who had been the one to find Brinley in such a vulnerable state. Octavia was strong – he knew that much – but Brinley was one of her only weaknesses, and Bellamy knew the two girls relied on each other more than they would admit.

'O, go find Monty and see if you can find out where Cage went.'

Octavia looked as though she wanted to argue, but one look at her brother's face and Brinley's contorted form had her nodding in understanding.

'Brin, it's going to hurt, I'm sorry.' Clarke looked at Brinley who didn't open her eyes when she spoke.

'Get it out.'

Clarke nodded, and Bellamy watched with idle fascination as Clarke dug one of the metal tools into Brinley's body.

Brinley's answering scream echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls and flowing out into the empty corridors before it cut off with a terrible choking sound. Bellamy was sure his heart stopped as he felt Brinley's hand go slack in his. Clarke must have seen the panicked look on his face because she immediately shook her head at him, her fingers pressing against a pulse point. 'She just passed out, she's alright Bellamy.'

Bellamy nodded sharply, though he wasn't sure he would have used alright to describe Brinley's current bloodied state. Alive seemed more appropriate.

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now