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A/N Another update yaaaay
Kind of a filler - but crucial to the storyline!
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The song linked reminded me so much of the changing dynamic between Brin and Bell that I had to include it. (Fleurie - Love and War incase the link doesn't work.) 

The Trigedasleng might not be 100% accurate but it's all from ( if you're interested. :) 

I hope you enjoy!

'I can see your light even in your darkest times.'
-E. Grin, the stars adore you.


Brinley was walking towards the main gate when it happened.

She could immediately tell that something unexpected was occurring. There was uneasiness in the air and both Bellamy and Pike were walking towards the gate determinedly, demanding it be opened.

The Arkadians that had crept forward out of curiosity immediately stepped backward as the gates opened fully, revealing two grounder warriors on horseback.

Brinley did the opposite, moving closer to what was sure to be a show.

'Talk.' Bellamy's voice was sharp.

'We seek the one you call Pike!' One of the rider's announced in a strong voice.

'Why?' Bellamy asked loudly, though he – along with everyone else - already knew the answer.

The grounders wanted justice.

'An army has fallen, blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one.' The rider answered.

'Welcome to the war against Skaikru.' Brinley could hear the arrogance in Bellamy's voice and the anger that had barely died down since their conversation the night before spiked again.


'Life was taken, we demand life in return.'

'My life?'

Brinley watched the two grounders became uneasy as Pike stepped closer to them.

'What are your terms?' Pike asked, false curiosity lighting his tone.

'-Sir-' Bellamy tried, but Pike held out his hand to stop Bellamy speaking.

'Come with us, and we'll walk away.' The first rider spoke again.

What the two grounders were offering was more than fair. One life for the many taken – it was the same deal Finn had been offered. The only difference between the two situations was the fact that more than one shooter had been involved in the most recent massacre – and that Finn had willingly handed himself over in order to seek some form of redemption.

Brinley laughed as she stepped forward, trying to warn the riders away without actually saying the words aloud, stepping forward until she was only a few feet behind Pike and Bellamy.

'Os lottau.' (Good luck) Humour coloured Brinley's tone for a moment. Yo souda ban op.' (You must leave.)

As expected, the grounders eyes went to her, as did Pike's. Bellamy however, stared straight ahead, not acknowledging her existence.

No surprise there.

'Gonaripa!' (Warrior killer!) There was an edge in the man's voice.

'Chit dula op yo gaf in?' (What do you want?) Brinley sounded bored when she spoke.

'Yo badan op disha hef?' (You serve this man?)

Brinley laughed without humour before her face smoothed out into an emotionless mask. 'Ai badan op non.' (I serve no one.)

Brinley's answer only unsettled the riders further and she assumed they'd been hoping for a valid reason to kill her on the spot. Pike seemed to realise she'd agitated them, his expression turning thoughtful for a moment before he spoke as though Brinley's interaction with the grounders hadn't occurred. 'Walk away from what?'

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now