Episode 7

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Joe wonders downstairs slumping in the chair letting out a big sigh. Today is the day Joe will be taking Demi to the amusement park as she suggested, he's never liked them mainly because of the big heights and drops of the rides. He's not scared of blood, water and not even spiders but heights is one. If he doesn't have something separating him from the height such as a veranda he begins freaking out but he just wants to make Demi happy and if she wants to go to this amusement he will take her confronting his fear. Denise places a plate in-front of him and looks at his pale face wondering what's wrong with him, he seemed fine last night.

"You okay Joe?" She questions taking a seat next to him, he sighs again pushing the plate with the omelette away from him making him feel nauseous.

"Demi wants to go to this amusement park." Joe says knowing he doesn't have to say anything else for his mother to get the gist of what he's on about.

"Why are you going if you're scared?" She questions and he shrugs.

"I guess I just don't want to disappoint her." Joe admits playing with his fingers, Denise smiles slightly realising how much her son does love this girl, he wasn't lying when he said he did. She's raised him well enough to treat this girl right not wanting to disappoint at all.

"I'm sure if you tell her the truth she'll understand," Denise adds and Joe shrugs taking a bite out of his breakfast. "What time are you meeting her?" She questions looking up at the clock seeing it's nearly 8:30, she knows it opens at 10.

"9," Joe answers putting the fork down on the plate. "Can't be bothered to get changed." He states looking out the window seeing it's already gonna be a hot day without even having to look what temperature it's going to be on the internet.

"You need to get changed but why don't you not straighten and keep it curly?" Denise suggests playing with his hair slightly, Joe nods getting up rushing upstairs past Nick who was going the opposite way probably about to go eat his breakfast and his own.

Joe pulls up at the beach hut and Demi climbs into the car smiling when she sees his new hair, she can't help but lean over and touch it making him laugh pushing her hand away. She laughs too and carries on staring at him as he stares back finding them having a stare off, Demi soon blinks and groans making Joe laugh.

"Since when do you have curly hair?" Demi questions.

"Since I started growing hair as a baby," Joe jokes and Demi smacks him. "It's naturally curly but I  straightened it, can't be bothered this morning." Joe explains.

"Keep it like that, it's cute now drive!" Demi demands and Joe laughs driving off, she can't deny how pale he looks though just like his mom discovered this morning. She can't help but wonder what could be wrong with him, she can remember him telling her about how he had food poisoning just a couple of days before they met on the beach so maybe he's still suffering from that.

"Why are you pale? It isn't as if your lacking sun." Demi says making him laugh slightly but shrug not wanting to tell her the real reason.

"I'm not sleeping well with the heat I guess." He lies but Demi doesn't notice and just nods. They begin sitting in silence, Demi wanting Joe to concentrate on the road and Joe just trying to clear his mind but sort of hoping something comes up so they don't have to go into the park and just find something else to do. Demi was thinking then she remembered what Joe had said on the phone last night about not wanting to go to this amusement park because they don't amuse him which she found hilarious. She looks over at him seeing him lost in his own thoughts yet still concentrating on the road, she smiles slightly knowing he's taking her to this amusement park yet he doesn't like them. He's such a gentleman with now curly hair, why couldn't she live in Florida? She found a guy she likes who likes her back in the complete wrong state.


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