Episode 36

514 14 2

So tired lol


Demi jumps out the car after giving Joe a quick peck on the lips and saying bye to him. He drives off once he knows she is safe is Starbucks. Demi decided to meet up with Selena, Miley and Taylor knowing she should probably by now tell Miley and Taylor about her being pregnant. Selena had tried her best to keep quiet which she had done but she told Demi that she'd have no idea how hard it was. She just wants to tell the world that she's going to be an Aunt of three. No biological but since Sel is an only child Demi had said that she would raise her children to call her their Aunt making sure they know the truth when they're all grown up. She orders a drink that is safe to have while she is pregnant sitting down next to Sel in a booth greeting them back as they greet her.

"Why haven't you got a coffee Dem?" Miley questions taking a sip of her own.

"Um you should know something, Sel already knows but I'm pregnant." She states quietly so it wasn't so clear. Miley smiles wide and Sel does the same, so did Taylor after a smirk that nobody noticed .

"Tell them the rest." Sel says.

"Well I'm having triplets." Miley can't help but squeal making everyone look over giving them dirty looks, they all just laugh. Even Taylor.

"I presume their Joe's?" Taylor questions and Demi nods answering any other questions Miley or Taylor have for her. If Demi is being honest she'll be happy once everyone knows and she won't have to keep it a secret even though she knows she will get plenty of name calling, too bad she won't let it get to her. The last thing on her mind while being pregnant with triplets is what people think of her, she doesn't care as long as she had Joe and her 3 babies safe and happy inside her. The first moment she felt just one of three of her children move inside her womb she'd fallen in love with them and can't actually believe she was going to abort them, she is relieved that she spat the tablet out in the sink with the gulp of water before it reached down her throat. She'd never forgive herself if she had swallowed it.

Demi wonders into her house a couple of hours later seeing it empty, she searches downstairs not seeing her mom anywhere neither Joe but she knows he is probably upstairs. She makes her way upstairs into her room seeing Joe laid on their bed reading, he looks up when he hears her steps on the floorboards. They don't bother greeting each other, just giving each other a small smile as Demi makes her way over to the bed. She lays down finding her way into Joe's arms his book now on the bed side table.

"Did you have fun?"Joe whispers in her ear, Demi nods smiling.

"Everyone is excited for the babies." She admits.

"Not as excited as I am," He tells her and she smiles wider. " I was thinking and maybe it would be better if we were to move out and get our own place." Joe suggests.

"Do we have the money? You're not exactly earning." Demi states and Joe shrugs.

"I'm sure we'll find money of somewhere, I just don't want your parents to suffer with 3 babies around the house." He admits beginning to draw circles on her arm making her giggle slightly, he just smiles wider.

"I guess it would be better, we don't really have enough room here to support 7 of us." Demi says.

"We'll search around soon," Joe promises and Demi smiles. "You want to watch a movie?" Joe asks and Demi nods.

"Put whatever you want on, I may have a nap." Demi admits moving away from him so he can get up.

"If you want to nap I'll go do something else." Joe suggests and Demi shakes her head.

"I wanna cuddle." She says and he laughs. Joe puts a movie in for himself laying back down on the bed, he wraps his arm around her placing it on her small bump making Demi smile wide snuggling into his chest. Joe kisses her head and starts stroking her hair as he begins watching Kick Ass knowing it will calm her down allowing her get to sleep quicker.


Please comment names you like for the babies? I'm tired of using the same names over again.

2 comments for next one which I will have to write first  

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