Episode 52

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Joe and Demi walk up the stoned steps very nervous about telling Demi's parents that their son has cancer, they know they will be supportive of it and such but they barley believe it their selves never mind telling his Grandparents about it. Joe closes the door behind him picking up Ollie as he runs over to him, they greet their eldest son before wondering through the house into the kitchen where Demi's mom is cleaning the side while her dad is washing up after giving Oliver his lunch. They greet them back as they greet them asking if they would take a seat.

"Where did you go?" Eddie questions.

"The hospital." Demi states taking Oliver as he pulls his arms out for her to take him of his dad.

"Why?" Dianna questions. "What's wrong with Ash?"

"He's got Leukaemia." Demi chokes and they become shocked and worried turning to Joe knowing he is a doctor and will most likely know if their youngest Grandson will be alive this time next year. They all sit there trying not to cry as they go through the whole process of what's happening Joe beginning to try and explain it best he can.

"Luckily we caught it early so hopefully just the surgery and chemo will get rid of it, it's just a waiting game." He explains and they ask the questions they want answering trying harder not to cry showing the parents of this little boy that everything will hopefully be okay and that he will survive and live a long happy life, that's all Joe and Demi want out of either of their sons.

Demi sighs as she watches Oliver play in the bath by himself knowing he usually have his younger brother to play with. Ollie is too young to understand what his little brother is going through, all he knows is he won't be home for a while. Demi was asked if she wanted to stay overnight at the hospital but allowed Joe to as they swap each night the night their not with Ashton is the night they will look after Oliver. They must remember to give Oliver as much attention as they can so he doesn't feel left out. Oliver looks up from the toy in the bath at his mother who is day dreaming.

"Momma what's wrong?" He asks knocking Demi out of his thoughts, she can't help but smile.

"Mommy is just worried about your little brother baby boy." She explains.

"He will be okay momma." He says looking down at the toy again, she smiles wider.

Demi smiles placing the book on the bedside table tucking her son in a little bit more kissing his head and making her way out the room after switch the light of. She allows the door to close behind her as she makes her way downstairs deciding to go into the kitchen , that was until a quiet knock on the door stops her in her tracks. She opens the door revealing Miley who has a worried expression on her face, an expression she's been seeing a lot over the past couple of hours.

"Demi you gotta go see Joe, he's a mess." Miley demands and Demi's eyes widen.

"What, he's meant to be with Ash." Demi states.

"He was with him but he came to mine saying he couldn't bare seeing his son like that." Miley explains and Demi sighs beginning to slip her shoes on.

"Where is he?" She questions.

"He said he was off to the pub." Miley claimed making Demi's eyes widen.

"He never drinks, he knows what it can do to your body." Demi feared.

"That's where he said he was going." Miley restates. 

"Look after Ollie, he's in bed." Demi states slipping her arms through a jacket which already has her car keys in. Miley nods as they switch places Demi walking down to her car climbing in it. She sighs as she begins searching around different pubs in attempt to find Joe, she won't give up until she knows he's safe at home. She was about to go home and try and get more details when she walks into the last pub she can think of seeing her ex boyfriend at the bar with a couple of beer glasses surrounding him, his head on his arms which are leaning on the table his long fingers wrapped around a full glass.


Last of the night :)

I'll be writing my new story for the rest of the night, hoping to post it on here  

3 comments and I will update in the morning xx 

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