Episode 37

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Taylor wonders up the stoned path once again ready to let Amy know the big news which she knows she will love. It's come as a surprise to Taylor if she is being honest, she's always been the innocent one of the group and now she is pregnant at 17 with a guy's baby she only met a couple of months ago. One word comes in her mind, slag. She knocks on the door it soon being opened by Amy, she lets her in leading her upstairs into her room taking a seat on the bed. Taylor doesn't hold back what she came in to tell, she expresses what she heard earlier straight away pure shock covering Amy's face leaning forward on her seat.

"What no!" She exclaims and Taylor smirks nodding her head.

"She told me and Miley this morning." Taylor admits.

"Triplets though?!" She exclaims again and Taylor laughs.

"They'll be ugly babies, unless they look like Joe." Taylor states and Amy nods in agreement.

"I can't wait for school on Monday, Demi won't know what's gonna hit her." Amy states rubbing her palms together already plotting what she is going to do in her mind. She'll have it all ready for Monday morning.

Demi sighs laying down on the bed with Joe's help. Although she hasn't started showing yet she can sure already feel the aches that come with being pregnant. Her ankles are swollen and she has a agonising pain on her back, she lays down on her left side so her back is facing Joe a long relaxed sigh realising from her lips when Joe places the hot water bottle down on her back and begins massaging her shoulders.

"You don't have to Joe, just hold me." Demi says relaxed  being clear in her tone.

"I want to," He whispers in her ear. "I brought the pain on you so I will help you through the whole thing." Joe admits and Demi smiles laying her head down on the pillow. She enjoys the alone time she gets with her boyfriend knowing very soon they won't be able to have many. She doesn't agree with dumping her baby on her parents or anyone like she knows a lot of mothers do. She will  be with her children as much as she can until they no longer need her.

"You called your parents yet?" Demi questions and Joe shakes his head.

"Nope, I will when your asleep." Joe states.

"That will be soon then." Demi states her eyes already drooping closed, Joe can't help but smile staying quiet allowing her to slowly drift off to sleep.

"How's Demi doing?" Denise questions over the phone to her son who is sat at the desk opposite Demi's bed watching her sleep.

"The aches are starting to set in." He admits.

"Awe their the worst, has she stopped having morning sickness though?" She asks.

"Not as bad, when she smells certain things it triggers it off, nuts seem to be the worst." He explains and Denise nods even though he can't see her. They carry on talking about the pregnancy a little bit longer Joe never taking her eyes of the sleeping beauty in front of him. He wants to be there ready when she wakes up or even if she wakes up because of something is wrong, he'll be ready to help her as much as he can. He hates seeing her like this, in so much pain but he knows it will be worth it in the end for both of them hopefully three sons or daughters.

"How have you been?" Denise asks.

"Alright I guess, just worrying about Demi." He expresses and she smiles knowing he does care and love. She loves the fact that he hasn't just ran away scared like a lot of young fathers do. He's stepped up and accepted that he made a mistake and has to take the responsibility given to him by just a little thing happening like not wearing protection.

"She'll be fine, all five of you will." Denise assures.



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