Episode 25

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The other person who has read this since I first updated is jemidoe so thanks :)


Demi is laid on her bed, her mom thinking she's sleeping but she has too much on her mind to sleep. She's just thinking about her life if she kept the baby, would she have a decent job? Would Joe have stayed with her and helped her with their son or daughter. She wouldn't sleep until her questions have been answered. Demi hears the door starting to open closing her eyes so it looks like she's sleeping. She hears the floor boards creaking and feels someone laying next to her on her bed, she inhales getting the scent of her boyfriend's cologne. She begins pretending to wake up from the movement rolling over and opening her eyes.

"Hey beautiful," Joe greets kissing her head, she smiles and snuggles into her chest pretending to be half asleep when she's just taking in his scent. Joe's arms find their way around Demi smiling at how cute she is being. "How are you feeling?" He questions.

"Like crap." She mumbles against his chest making him chuckle.

"You should have text me, I could have been here for you." He whispers down in her ear, Demi lifts her head up slightly so he could hear her better.

"You'd get bored if I'm sleeping the whole time." She answers.

"I'd never get bored if I'm with you Dems." He replies kissing her head again. They lay there talking about random things, Demi trying her best not breaking down crying again. She will wait the couple of days like the doctor insisted but not tell anyone about it until after that, in fact she plans never to tell anyone about this baby. She wants it gone as soon as possible so she doesn't get too attached because she knows as soon as she feels movement her feeling swill change, she can't raise a baby, not yet anyway and she certainly doesn't want Joe to leave her again.

"Being sick is horrible." Joe states moving a bit of hair out her face.

"I feel a bit better than this morning." She states back.

"Well enough to do some work?" They both hear turning to the door seeing Sel stood there with some books in her tiny hands. "Your mom asked me to bring some over from school." She places the books on the end of the bed just under their feet. Demi groans and Joe can't help but laugh taking his arms back and grabbing them.

"Come on I'll help you." He says and Demi takes the book throwing it across the room.

"That's what I think of it." She says before pulling him back down and laying her head on his chest. Joe and Sel can't help but laugh again. Demi closes her eyes just to depressed to do any work or even to get of the bed. Demi surprisingly falls to sleep leaving Joe and Sel talking quietly just to get to know each other. Joe ends up helping her with her homework which Sel was thankful for but has to get home to her parents. Joe takes his place back next to Demi beginning to stroke her hair as she cuddles up to him in her sleep.

Demi strolls into the hospital a couple of days later signing in. She's doing what she promised herself to do and that is to get rid of the baby without anyone else knowing of its assistance. She takes a seat in the waiting room her eyes wondering around seeing different women through different stages of their pregnancies, some with their partner but some without. The older ones giving her a dirty look.

"Demi Lovato." She hears snapping her out her thoughts. She stands up and follows the nurse through into the doctor's office feeling eyes burning her back, too bad she doesn't really care. She takes a seat and looks up at the same doctor she had a couple of days before.

"Changed your mind at all?" She questions and Demi shakes her head.

"I just want it gone, I'm too young to raise a baby and not responsible enough, you may have been with your daughter but I'm certainly not." Demi states, Dr. Jones not helping but sigh. She gets up, grabs a plastic cup filling it up with water handing her it with a tablet.

"All you need to do it take the tablet." She states the tablet finding its way into Demi's mouth and taking a gulp of water. 



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