Episode 12

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Demi smiles watching his fingers strum the guitar strings, he's a good player but she could imagine him on stage playing for a band or something that is until he began singing to her and that was the moment she found herself falling even more for him, singing her a love song she doesn't recognise but still very sweet.

"But tonight I'm gonna fly,

yeah tonight I'm gonna fly,

cause I could go across the world,

See everything and never be satisfied,

If I couldn't see those eyes." Joe serenades Demi's smile not once leaving her lips, Joe places his guitar on the floor beside him but it doesn't take long for Demi to pull him down for a kiss, Joe smiles kissing her back as she lays down on her back bringing him to lay on top of her. They soon pull away having to need air smiling at each other.

"You have a beautiful voice." Demi complements.

"Thanks." He says pecking her lips before rolling off her onto his side wrapping her up into his arms a not really wanting his family to walk in on him laid on top of his girlfriend. Especially with his 8 year old running riot around the house. Demi just can't get over how amazing he sounded and wanting to let him hear her but she wants to save it for a more special moment the just laid on his bed not that he picked the wrong moment. Demi had always imagined herself with a boyfriend that could sing and write songs mainly so she could sing with them and write amazing songs with him, seems like her dream had come true. Joe and Demi sit there for a couple of moments before they begin a conversation.

 "Have you been calling your friends or are you just waiting until you get back?" Joe questions.

"I've been texting them but not that much, I've been spending a lot of time with you." She says poking his stomach. He chuckles and kisses her forehead, he's not looking forward to the day she has to leave his side but is determined to keep her as his. He knows his tutor will allow him to visit her as long as he does the work while he's there but he's not gonna tell her and surprise her when she's back home. 

They begin talking about random things, like about school and things but it's hard for Joe since he didn't do the last 2 years.

"Would you rather Make Out with Nick or a monkey?" Joe questions and Demi bursts into fits of laughter. "What? They are very similar species." Joe jokes and she smacks his chest slightly as he laughs along with her.

"Is there a option to make out with you?" Demi questions looking up at him.  

"Baby there's always that option." He says leaning down kissing her but it doesn't last long because she starts laughing again. He chuckles climbing on her beginning to tickle her sides, she laughs even more trying to push him off her but he's too strong. She soon calms down when he's got bored of tickling her, though he's still on top of her but he's not as heavy as Demi would think he is.

"I like this position." Joe says and Demi smacks him.

"Joe what are you doing?" Kevin says standing at the door.

"Well I was tickling her, now I'm sat on her if that was obvious enough." Joe says and Demi smacks him again. They just gain a head shake from Kevin.

"Tim wants to know if you want to perform tonight since his usual act is ill?" He questions.

"As in with you and Nick?" Joe questions back and Kevin nods. "Sounds good."

"Okay I'll get mom to call him back." He says wondering off. Joe falls on the bed next to Demi kissing the side of her head.

"You wanna come?" Joe questions and Demi smiles nodding.

"I'd love to hear more of your songs." She admits making him smile too.

"That's fine but I do write most with Nick and Kevin so don't give me all the credit." He says.


I'm gonna run out of Episodes soon and have to write as you please haha

2 comments for next one :D 

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