Episode 23

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Demi lays down on her bed dragging Joe down with her, Joe leans down pressing his lips on hers kissing her passionately. Demi kisses back with the same amount of passion her hands making their way up to his cheeks. They begin making out gently just loving the feeling of each other on their lips again after so many weeks of being apart. Joe pulls away slightly from the kiss just as soon as air was desperately needed.

"You have no idea how much I've missed that." Joe mumbles against her lips making her smile slightly until she leans up pecking his lips.

"I miss kissing you too." Demi says pulling away completely and laying her head on his chest beginning to listen to his steady heartbeat. They lay there in silence for a while in their own thoughts just enjoying each other's company until a sigh was realised from Demi's mouth knowing she has a bunch of homework to do.

"Joe I have to do my homework."

"You want help?" Joe questions and Demi nods making her way downstairs just to collect her bag before making her way back upstairs. She grabs a couple of books from her bag and dumps them on the bed, it doesn't take long for Joe to grab one and start reading the work on the sheet, Demi raises her eyebrow and laughs at his concentration face. Joe looks up at her and smiles when he sees her smile patting the bed next to him. She lays down at they get to work.

Within an hour they have done all Demi's work set for the week, she can't believe how brainy her boyfriend is. She knew he was smart but not that smart! She supposes it's a good thing if he's going to be saving lives. They begin watching a film, Joe let Demi pick but Demi let Joe pick it and demanded otherwise. Joe ended up picking Twilight and Demi groans knowing he knew she likes that, maybe having a smart boyfriend was a bad idea. Demi lays back on the bed and curls up into Joe's side beginning to watch the film.

Joe walks into his penthouse the next morning holding breakfast. He ended up staying the night last night since he fell asleep watching Twilight and slept from about 5pm to 6am, let's just say he has lots of energy. The only reason he brought breakfast is because Nick will probably be angry with him for spending the night there but Demi text him saying he was staying so at least he knew. Joe closes the door behind him and makes his way up into the living room seeing Nick sat there watching the sports news. Joe dumps the paper brown bag on his lap and Nick looks down at it.

"Sorry I wasn't here, Demi's at school so we could go wonder out today?" Joe suggests as Nick's hand reaches into the bag pulling out his favourite MacDonald's.

"Joe I have work to do." Nick states and Joe sighs slumping into the seat next to him.

"This is going to be more boring than I thought." He admits.

"It was a bit stupid to come when she was at school." Nick states taking a bite out of his breakfast. Joe punches him and Nick laughs.

Demi wonders downstairs late that morning and into the kitchen  seeing her mom making breakfast. Demi sighs and walks over.

"I don't think I'm going to school." She states.

"Why what's wrong?" Dianna questions beginning to feel her head.

"I've been up all night being sick, Joe is a really heavy sleeper." She says and Dianna laughs a bit.

"Well you don't have a fever, go back to bed and if you're not better by mid afternoon I'll take you down to the doctors and see if they can have a quick look." Demi nods and makes her way upstairs not helping but letting the tears roll down her cheeks. She lays down on her bed and hugs her stomach, she knows exactly what's wrong with her and doesn't need a doctor to confirm it.



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