Episode 40

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Demi wonder into the cafeteria holding securely onto Joe's hand never wanted to let of it. She hadn't told him about the break down she had in class after the meeting she'd had with him and the principle knowing that he will just do nothing but worry about her. She still notices everyone's eyes on her but she ignores them just concentrating on eating so her children will be healthy. She leads Joe to the table where Miley, Sel and Taylor are already sat down eating. They take a seat and pull out their lunches beginning to eat without saying a word, Joe can't help but feel depressed, not just because of Demi but because he is back in a school. The place he promised himself he would never wind back up in but if he wants to become a doctor and save lives he would have to just for a couple of weeks.

"You okay now Dem?" Miley asks and she nods.

"I'm fine, I just want to know who told whoever sent the message," She admits looking at the three of them. "You girls didn't accidently blurt it out did you?" Demi questions.

"I know I didn't, you know how hard it was to just keep it quiet from these two!" Sel exclaims.

"I didn't." Miley states.

"Neither did I," Taylor lies but they saw right past it besides Joe who looks at her with his eyebrows raised, she notices and gives him a warm smile. He realistically fake smiles back frowning again when he hears Demi sigh again. Joe takes her hand squeezing it tightly which makes her smile slightly, her hormones aren't helping. Taylor looks over at the popular seeing Amy trying to get her attention asking her to follow her. "Um I gotta go and sort out a couple of things." Taylor states.

"Aren't you gonna finish your salad?" Miley questions and she shakes her head. 

"Not hungry, someone else can finish it if they want." She states before picking up her bag and walking out a door opposite to Amy so it doesn't look suspicious. Joe sighs this time putting his sandwich down on the bag it came in beginning to think. Why would one of Demi's best friends do something like this, he can't believe nobody had seen right through it before now. He could quite tell she was telling a lie. The only problem is, did she do it on purpose or by mistake. Joe doesn't want to frame and tell Demi about her making her look like the baddie when she could have easily done it by mistake.

"I'm just gonna go get a drink from my locker." Demi states.

"You want me to go?" Joe questions about to get up, she stops him shaking her head.

"I want to be alone for a couple of minutes." She states wondering off planning on taking a so walk through the corridors. She can't help but want to be alone for a couple of minutes, just to clear her mind. She's been through a lot the past couple of days and her friends and boyfriend knows it.

She wonders around the corner moving back when she heard her name, she begins listening to the conversation instantly knowing it's Taylor and Amy's voices.

"I think Joe is onto me." Taylor admits.

"What have you done?" Amy demands to know twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

"Nothing, I just said I hadn't told anyone about her being pregnant and he looked at me as if he didn't believe me. I wouldn't care if he did tell Demi." She admits.

"I don't see what he sees in her, especially now she is a fat whale, wait she was anyway." Amy claimed both girls laughing afterwards. Demi eyes begin watering not believing what she's hearing, is she really listening to someone she thought was her best friend slagging her off behind her back. All the clues come together, Taylor being the one who told Amy and Amy being the one who sent the message around.

"You just wait until she's given birth and doesn't have the same body, he'll be crawling to one of us." Taylor states.

"And my arms will be open wide for him." Amy teases and Taylor laughs.

"More like your legs." Demi says around the corner, the laughing stops.


I loved that ending lol! 


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