The Shifting..

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"Katherine, just be quick or we won't reach till next morning".

"Stop over reacting Casper, I was just checking whether I have packed everything or not. Because i cannot depend on your packing. You have a habit of forgetting everything and then bothering me for your things. So let me check.. "

"And she says I over react", Casper whispered.

"Did you just say something Casper ?"

"No, just be quick and come out, I am waiting."

15 mins later...

"So finally you are here.. Thank god!", said Casper while opening the car to load the luggage

"Mom, why don't you tell him to stop irritating me."

"Are you both sure that you both can live alone in the new city, that too TOGETHER!"

"Ya.. I'll try to deal with him, don't worry mom".

"Casper take care of Katherine and don't tease her.. Call me once you reach".

"Ok mom and tell dad that I'll call him if my lovely brother irritates me."

"Did you just call me lovely?"

"I called you irritating.."

Katherine and Casper left to the new city where they were going because Casper got a project for his job and even Katherine enrolled herself in a college of that city..

They drove in their car.. The city was a bit far.. And soon the surroundings were wrapped in the arms of darkness as the night set in..

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