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It was about 11 pm and the siblings were on the highway. Katherine played some music and looked towards Casper, "Are you feeling sleepy? Shall i drive?"

"I want to reach safely till midnight. If you drive, we will probably sleep on the hospital bed and not that of the hotel."

"Wait a minute.. Did you just say 'a hotel'? "

"Do you want to stay the entire night in our car?", asked Casper.

"But didn't you find a house you said that we've got one on rent."

"If I hadn't said that, mom and dad wouldn't have allowed us to go.. I haven't yet found any house but I'll soon get one."

Katherine was about to open her mouth to argue but something stopped her. A little away on the road was a girl, waving her hands for someone to give her a lift. She seemed to be of Katherine's age. She wore a jeans and a black top with her hair swaying because of the wind.

Katherine told Casper, "Shall we give her a lift?"

"Haven't you see  horror movies Kat? What if she turns out to be a ghost!", said Casper teasing Katherine.

"I am not that afraid of ghosts you see.. So we can ask her."

Casper stopped the car. Katherine pulled down the window of her side and asked..

"Hey, can we help you? Where are you going?"

"To the William Town. My car got punctured and it seems that I won't find someone to fix it here", she told with a simple smile.

"Even we are going to the same town. Get in we can drop you",said Katherine with a wide smile.

She sat at the back seat making herself comfortable and putting her purse beside her. Katherine made an eye contact with Casper and he soon started driving.
Katherine and the girl started a conversation.

"My name is Katherine and this is my elder brother Casper, what's your good name?"

"I am Myra. I live with my brother Eric in the William town. I was here to meet a relative. Are you guys new here?"

"Ya we are shifting to the town for Casper's job and I got admission in the Joseph's college here."

"Ohh even I am in the same college." said Myra.

Katherine was happy to hear that as she atleast has someone whom she knew in this new town.
She told Myra that they were searching for a house on rent.

"I know it may seem a bit weird to you but you can stay with us. The upper floor of our house is vacant and we are planning to give it on rent, so you guys may stay, only if you don't mind!" Myra suggested.

"That's great. What do you say Casper?"

Katherine looked towards Casper.
Casper thought for a while but as this was the only option he had currently, he agreed.

"I think we can. Thank you Myra." For the first time he spoke to Myra.

Myra and Katherine seemed to have got along very well and that too in such a short span. They were excited to stay together and Katherine was glad to find a house and a companion. Maybe Eric and Casper would get along well, she thought.
They reached the town at 1am. Myra guided the directions to Casper and they reached the bungalow. It was a really big house. It was old and spooky. There weren't any houses in the neighbourhood and everything was serene and dark.
They reached the gate of the house and entered...

I know that the story isn't exciting yet but this is the beginning and i'll try to make it more interesting...

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