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The mirror which she broke herself before just an hour, was perfect as before, not a single scratch on it!
Katherine turned to Casper, "Casper, you know that I broke this mirror.. You saw that right! How is this possible.."
"Ya, Kat, I know."
Myra and Eric were puzzled. They knew nothing about it.
"Can someone tell us, what is going on!", pleaded Myra.
Casper told about the entire fuss.
Myra hugged Katherine, and said,
"It's ok Kat, we'll end this soon."
They all decided to go out for a dinner. They went to a nearby restaurant and returned home. That night, there was no more encounter with any of the creepy things, fortunately.
Next day Casper and Eric left for their jobs reluctantly. The girls were alone at home.
Katherine was reading a book in the drawing room when Myra came to her. She gave her a serious look and said,
"Don't you think that this is the correct time for it!"
Katherine thought for a while and nodded in agreement.
They climbed up the stairs and entered Casper 's room as if they were intruding. Katherine checked all the drawers, shelves, the cupboard and finally found it in one of the drawers.
" I got it.. I got it, Myra!", exclaimed she showing a bunch of keys in her hand.
They both walked silently through the corridor, and opened the scary room, of the Hudson sisters.
After the instances of previous visit, it wasn't easy to come back. But these girls thought that this was the need of the hour. They could never do this in presence of their brothers, so this was the correct time. The raised tile of the floor which Katherine had seen and which made her fall was not just a tile. It was something important. The girls without wasting any time recognized the tile and pulled it. Although it was jammed but some effort opened it. To their surprise, the tile led to stairs. Everything was very dark, nothing was visible. So, the girls took out their torches and took a deep breath. They looked towards each other and Katherine started going downstairs. Myra followed her. There were spider webs all around and nothing else. Only the beam of light falling from the torch made the path visible to an extent. The stair were very long and just when they seemed never ending, they finally ended and led to a huge room. It was a very big room. A few shelves, photo frames on the walls, and dust all around.
"Is this a secret room?", asked Myra.
"It seems to be."
"Let us find if we get something", suggested Myra.
"This room is so eerie, there is a different air, of terror, anxiety and restlessness.", said Katherine.
"Ya, even I don't want to stay here. But we have to find a clue", said Myra and they parted to check every bit of the room.
Myra was going through the shelves and drawers when she found something which she did not expect to find.
"Kat", she yelled.
Katherine ran towards her and saw an ouija board in her hand.
"An ouija board! Here! Why did the girls keep it here?",Myra was completely puzzled.
"Maybe they must have bought it for fun and hid it here from their parents!", said Katherine.
"Possible. But for what purpose was this room made", asked Myra.
"I think that maybe their father made it as he was an army officer. And possibly the girls would have used it for fun or as a hiding." Katherine was not sure but she felt this a possibility.
"Hmmm. What if Casper and Eric come to know that we came here", asked Myra.
"No, we can't tell them, we can't let them know this, they will...", Katherine was about to say further but a scream stopped her. It was so loud that both girls were dumbstruck. Suddenly the air became cold. They started feeling the presence of something unknown. They held eachothers' hand. They started moving their torches here and there, if they could find something. But nothing unusual could be seen.
"Is someone there?", Katherine gather courage and asked.
"Who are you, are you here?" she asked again.
"YES" a reply came.
Myra and Katherine froze in terror. Suddenly they could feel an immense but invisible pull which was forcing Myra away from Katherine. The grip of their hands was loosening. Myra was being pulled in air. She started screaming. Katherine tried her best but Myra got raised in air and fell on the ground suddenly. Katherine ran towards her and gave her hand.
"Get up Myra. Are you fine?"
Myra got up and sighed.

a very rough and loud voice warned them. "Scarlett, we have done nothing to you. Please leave us", pleaded Katherine.

this time it was a voice of a little girl, but it was scary enough. Of course it was Lily. The girls realised that soon. But this wasn't the end. The greatest shock was awaited!
Soon the room was filled with a very dim light which at least made things visible. There were creepy sounds and screams and finally appeared the 4 sisters, the long dead Hudson sisters! This was the first encounter with the sisters together. They looked terrible. They had scars on their face, on their body and the mark of knife. They looked so terrible and scary that Myra and Katherine prayed that it was a dream. They almost couldn't breath. They felt that coming to this secret hiding was their biggest mistake. And they felt that they were going to die. They thought that there was no one who could save them. They wanted to run but their legs seemed immovable. Their hearts pounding hard. Every second was like a burden and full of fear.
How To Escape?

Exactly 1000 words... Hope you all enjoy the chapter.
"You Can't Escape" is 20 in horror.
Thanks for the support.. 💕💕

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