Mission Begins!

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Katherine could feel her heart racing. She could feel the sweat rolling down her face. She looked in the direction where the voice came from, there was nothing. Only darkness. From behind, a voice came again,


It was too much for Katherine to take all this.

"No", she yelled.

Now Casper, Myra and Eric started to believe that something wasn't right. They ran towards Katherine and helped her stand.

"What happened Kat, tell me", said Casper.

Katherine had closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. Everyone around her was worried. Myra quickly switched on all the lights.
Katherine slowly looked around, she was happy to see her friends around.
There was no trace of Marie and Lily.

"Marie and Lily! They were here. They told me that they want to play with us!". Katherine panicked.

"There is no one, Kat. Just calm down", said Myra.

"But they were. I'm not lying. They were. They told me. They wanted to play."

"Yes Kat, we know you aren't lying. But see, there is no one. Everything's fine", said Myra.

Katherine glanced every corner of the room again. She was relieved. There was nothing.

"I think we shall all go to sleep now", suggested Eric.

Everyone agreed. One day, so many tragedies, it was not easy to overcome them so soon. The only way was to expose Fedrick soon.

Next morning when everyone was tired and sad, there came a ray of hope.

Everyone was sitting for breakfast. As such they were eating but their minds and thoughts were in a different world.

Tring Tring... Tring Tring..

Casper received a call.

"Hello... Yes.. Oh really!
I am glad you informed me...
Yes.. Thanks a lot."

"Who was it Casper?", asked Eric.

Casper was about to reveal the best news of the day. But his eyes stopped at Myra and he realized that he had to stay quiet.

"Just a call from my office", said Casper.

Everyone resumed eating.

15 minutes later, everyone was proceeding towards their respective rooms. When Myra left, Casper stopped Eric and Katherine.

He broke the news to them.

"I got a call from Fedrick's gardener. Remember we had given him our number?", asked Casper.

"Yes, I remember. What did he say?", asked Eric impatiently.

"Fedrick is back home, we can meet him today."

"Oh really! That will be great", said Katherine.

"Lets go then", said Eric.

"Kat, you shall stay at home. And listen, you should not let Myra know about this. Not at any cost", explained Casper.

"But Casper...", Katherine was stopped.

"No Kat, you have to do this", said Casper.

"He is right Katherine", Eric supported Casper.

"Fine". Katherine had to agree.

Casper and Eric got ready to execute their plan. It was as such not a big full proof plan but an attempt, driven by hope of success.

Before moving out of the house, Casper handed over his laptop to Katherine and ensured,
"I hope you have understood what you have to do and what not to do."

"Yes Casper, don't worry, I'll manage everything".

He nodded.

"All the best to you both. I hope we make it". Katherine told them.

"We will",said Eric.

He and Casper left.

Katherine opened the laptop and did some work.
"It's done!", she exclaimed.

"What is done?". Myra came from behind.

Katherine panicked and pulled down the laptop screen.

"Oh nothing. I was just making a presentation, for Casper. He asked me this morning". Katherine had to lie.

"Oh great!"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, Stacy wanted some help in the assignment. I'll be back soon."

"No problem". Katherine was happy. Her work would now be easier as Myra was going out.

Myra left and Katherine called someone.

"Hello... Yes.. Please come soon."

Eric and Casper reached Fedrick's house. They checked if the gardener was there. But fortunately, he wasn't. He was the only one who knew them. They proceeded and rang the door bell and within a few seconds, they could see an old but healthy man on the door. They recognized him, he was Mr. Fedrick.

"Yes, who are you?", he looked at the young boys and asked.

"We are from the 'HELP', an NGO. We are conducting a survey where we give different situations to people and ask their views about it. It helps us analyse their emotional and intelligence quotient. This is a part of our current project", said Casper with some difficulty.

"Oh, that's great. But i never heard about your NGO", said Fedrick.

"Yes sir. We have our base in another city. We travel places to get varied views", Eric tried to cover up.

"I see. I'll be glad to help. Please come".

Finally they got entry in the house.

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