Library Escape!

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"Casper, do something. How will we get out of here?" asked Katherine.
"We will. Just stay calm." replied he and went through the library.
"Casper. Casper. Where are you going? It's not safe. Come back." Katherine was yelling.
But Casper was searching for something. Then he returned and said "There's no fire extinguisher. These people are so careless."
"Are you mad Casper. We are dieing and you are busy complaining. Just stop it and find a way out."
Casper looked at the shelf where they were finding the articles. It had started to burn.
"Look Kat. We are lucky that we left that shelf soon!
First Katherine looked at the shelf and laid no attention. But suddenly something struck her..
" Oh no! That folder, I left it there. "
She tried to move but Casper held her hand.
" No Kat. You can't go there. We'll find those articles from somewhere else. I won't let you go."
"No Casper, we cannot take any chance."

She struggled to free herself. Then she pushed Casper, he fell on the floor and ran towards the shelf. It had fallen and was burning. All books were scattered. First she found no trace of the folder. But moving a few books she found it. She quickly grabbed it burning her hand and ran towards Casper who had now managed to stand up.

"I'm sorry Casper. I had no option."
She could see that Casper was angry because she went there. He took the folder from her and kept it in his bag. He grabbed her hand and took her to the main door.
Thinking for a few seconds, he then told,
"Just jump out of this door on my count of 3. Dont worry we'll be out."
She nodded.
He counted... 1....2....3 and they both jumped. Luckily they were out of the library. Casper went towards the car. Katherine knew how angry he was so she followed like a kid. And they both went to their house.

At home...

They all were sitting in the main room and Eric told them about the investigation. Myra bandaged Katherine's hand.
Casper narrated all that happened in the library.
"So, where are those articles. Did you read them?" asked Eric.
Casper took out the articles from his bag and handed them to Myra. She one by one read the headings.
Then she started reading them article aloud.
She took an article which was of 14 June.

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