The Blast!

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Myra came near Katherine.

"Myra, listen to me. We did not mean to hide it from you. But.."

Katherine was cut short in between and Myra, or rather Scarlett, said in her most terrible voice.

"It's not Myra. Its me, SCARLETT.. I won't spare this man. Never."

"No Scarlett. You cannot do this. Look Mr. Sam is here. We have evidence against Fedrick, you will get justice.

So the man with Katherine was Sam, the cop. And that was the plan. Casper had fixed a secret camera in his pen that he was carrying. And the entire revelation could be seen by Katherine and Sam on the laptop, which they did see. Now Fedrick had no way to escape. There was a strong evidence against him, his own confession which he said willingly in his overconfidence.

Now suddenly it was Myra again,

"Why didn't you all tell me Kat?"

"I'm sorry Myra, listen to me."

It was Scarlett again,

Katherine turned to Sam who stood beside her, very confused.
"You go to Eric and Casper, they need you. I'll handle Myra."

Sam took the laptop and ran towards the door. Scarlett wasn't interested in him at the moment. She just turned to follow him to Fedrick's house. But Katherine ran and held her from behind. She couldn't let her go. She did not know what Scarlett would do. Myra was struggling to get off Katherine's hands, but Katherine held her very tight.

Scarlett entered Myra again and pushed Katherine away with such a force that Katherine fell and her head hit the table, as a result, she fainted. And a possessed Myra ran away.

Fedrick's Home..

"What do you mean? What is your plan?" asked Fedrick, now a bit nervous.

"We have recorded all that you said, in this pen camera" said Casper, while removing the pen from his pocket.

Fedrick was now scared. He understood that the situation was not as easy as he had fancied it to be. He realised that the boys weren't as harmless to him as he thought them to be.

He snatched the pen from Casper's hand, threw it on the ground and broke it by putting his foot over it.

Eric and Casper exchanged a glance and smiled.

"Your confession has already been saved to our laptop. And moreover, a cop has already seen it" said Eric.

"Exactly, so you may have that pen with you and may break it, throw it away or keep it as a souvenir" added Casper.

"But why will he believe you? More than 2 decades have passed away" asked Fedrick with a hope that all this would end.

"He wouldn't have maybe cared about it, but fortunately, he is an honest officer and moreover, his father's death is linked with the Hudson case. So there is no way that you can escape, Mr. Fedrick", said Casper.

Fedrick couldn't believe what had happened to him. His secret was revealed and that too because of his own foolishness!

"I won't let this happen. I won't go behind the bars, never"
Saying this, Fedrick grabbed his car keys from the key holder and went outside his house.

Eric and Casper ran behind him, they couldn't afford to let him go away.

But the old man was too quick, he sat in his car and had almost succeeded in running away.
But his misfortune had arrived. He had just reached the turning, a few metres away from where Casper and Eric were standing and his car blasted.
The noise was so loud and the  explosion, so destructive that the boys stood still in the trauma of what they had just witnessed. They could not get over it. How did that happen!

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