Jingle Bells

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Hello", said Casper.

"Hello, Casper",Katherine's voice was shaking.

"Ya, it is me, Kat. Will you say something!"

"Casper come home."

"Yes, i am on the way."

"Why early today?"

"I finished my work, so you see. By the way why are you calling me?"

Katherine thought for a while and said,
"I want to go for shopping. Christmas is coming, Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle all the way.."

"Okay", said Casper and ended the call. First few seconds nothing unusual stuck him but suddenly he stopped his car and thought for a while. Katherine sang 'Jingle bells'. It is their code for danger!

"Is she in some trouble!" Thought Casper

"Something's not right. I'm sure Scarlett has done something again. I can't take any chance!"

He started driving again..

At Home

After about 15 minutes a bell rang. Katherine slowly was going to the door, with a fear. She had taken a big chance. If Casper wouldn't have realised the signal, Katherine was going to pay for the risk she had taken. She opened the door, Scarlett was behind her still holding Myra. It was Casper. Katherine couldn't think any more.

"Casper!", she exclaimed.

Casper just blinked his eyes and stepped in.
Scarlett threw Myra and almost came to Casper when the Father entered the house.
Katherine was relieved. He headed towards Scarlett and raised the holy cross. Something started happening to her. She tried to move but Casper held her and father placed the cross on her forehead. She went insane. She was screaming like anything and pleaded to leave her. Katherine ran to Myra and helped her get up. Katherine and Myra were standing away from Scarlett and looking at everything in terror.
Everything started to move in the house, this showed how powerful Scarlett was. She then pushed Father and stabbed Casper with her nails and vanished.
Katherine and Myra went to them and made them sit.

"She is very powerful, extremely evil. We cannot hold her like this for a long time", said Father.

"Thank god you came father otherwise we would have died today", said Myra.

"Casper called me. He told me that you all are in danger", said Father.

"Casper how did you know that something was wrong?",asked Myra.

Casper and Katherine looked at each other and smiled.

"Nothing, Katherine conveyed it to me", said Casper.

"Thank you Father", said Katherine.

"You'll have to do what you want as soon as possible. Did you get any lead?", asked Father.

"Yes Father", said Casper and told him about Fredrick.

#There was some problem so i had to republish this part.. #

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