The Agent..

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"I think we should keep our issues aside and four of us should work to escape this place as soon as possible. This is not safe at all." Katherine told.


Next day:

All 4 of them were in Katherine's room. Everyone was finding it difficult to begin the conversation.
Finally Katherine spoke,"How shall we start?"

"If we want to get out of here, we will have to find the history of the house." Casper said.

"But how will we. There are no neighbours, no keeper. No one who can tell us", Eric said  in grief.

"How about Ouija board?" Myra suggested.

"According to me that should be our last option. Its not safe", Casper said.

"Wait a minute.. Myra you said that you got this house through an agent." Katherine suddenly spoke.

"Ya how can i forget that? The Agent!" said Myra.

"So we shouldn't waste a single minute. Let us go to him. But who will go? I don't think that all of us should go", said Eric.

"I and Eric should go", said Casper.

"No ways. If you both go, you'll come with nothing",Katherine joked.

"I agree with Kat. We'll go",said Myra.

Of course the boys had to give up and let the girls go.

An hour later...

"We want to meet Mr. Simon, is he there?",inquired Katherine to the receptionist.

"Ya mam. You may go in", she replied.

Katherine and Myra quickly walked to a small cabin where they saw Mr. Simon sitting on his chair glancing some documents.

"Please sit", he said without looking at them.

They both settled on the chairs opposite Mr. Simon. Now he looked at them. And as he saw Myra, his face started changing colors. As if now his mistakes were going to be revealed.

"Ya.. Sa.. Say what do you.. Wa.. Want?", he asked.

"See Mr Simon, we have no time to waste. I'll come straight to the point. What's wrong with the House?", Myra asked in a serious tone.

"Your house? Of course everything's fine about the house. Its a pretty house",he tried to sound normal.

"Look, we told you we have no time. We know that there is something about the house which you know. If you don't tell us, we'll have to involve police which we don't want to. The entire town believes that the house is haunted then why did you give this house to Myra and Eric?", Katherine asked.

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