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"It all started 20 days ago when we came here, in this house. We came in this town 2 years back. The owner of the previous house where we use to stay on rent sold that house. So we had to shift. As such we wanted to buy a house here so we bought this. We got this house through an agent. People here warned us not to take this house because it was haunted but we never believed in such things so we came here. And now i regret it! Soon after we came here, things happened and made me believe that there was something in this house that was not normal. And soon i understood that it was behind Eric. I could see it, it was so creepy, I still see it. Its nightmares doesn't let me sleep. And it is not a single spirit, they are many. "

This revelation was like a burden on Katherine, as if a heavy stone was kept on her and she couldn't bare the burden of it. Casper could see in Katherine's eyes, how scared she was. He didn't want to show that even he was terrified with the fact.

"How are you so sure that it is behind Eric?", Casper couldn't help asking.

"Because some accidents happened which made my doubts into reality. An now I am afraid that it is behind you too."

This was enough to give Katherine the worst reality of her life. It was behind Casper!

"If you already knew this, why did you drag us in this house? Just why?" Tears rolled down her eyes as Katherine made this inquiry.

"I am sorry Katherine, Casper. I had no choice. I wanted to save Eric, at any cost. I wanted to escape from this hell. I thought if someone else enters this house, we will be able to leave this house, maybe they would leave us. You both were new in this town, easy to influence. I am sorry."
Myra could just cry. Eric stood beside her and seemed equally guilty.

Katherine couldn't digest the fact that someone whom she trusted so much, did this to her, to Casper. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to hate Myra and Eric. But somehow, she understood their situation. Maybe she would have done the same to save Casper.
She looked at Casper. He had the same pain of such a big betrayal. But she knew that she will convince Casper.. The need of the hour was to find a solution to this problem. Will they ever escape?

"I understand Myra why you did this. But please give us some time."

Eric nodded, held Myra's hand and took her away.

Casper threw the vase kept on the table. Katherine knew how angry he was. She calmed him.

"Casper, please understand, if I was in Myra's place, maybe I would have done the same to save you."

Casper did not wanted to add to her problems. So he just said, "Don't worry Kat, Ill do every possible thing to get free of this situation. I wont let anything happen to any of us."

Katherine was glad to hear this but before she could utter a single word, a gentle noise dragged their attention towards the door. There was nothing. Then glanced the room carefully. On the mirror, they saw something written with blood. Katherine moved towards the mirror and as she read what was written, she stepped back in fear, sweating and quivering. Both were speechless when they read..


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